Part 9

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I haven't talked to Jaemin for a week. I some times saw him in the halls at school. I noticed that he got some bruises. I wanted to ask him, because i was concerned, but every time i tried talking to him. He quickly walked away.

Right now i was in the canteen sitting alone at a table, because Soyeon and Yujin were sick. I saw Jaemin walk into the canteen. I noticed that he got another bruise on his cheek. I'm really worried about him. What's happening with him? I can't see him In pain. I wanna help him. But how can you help someone who doesn't want your help?

"Y/n is everything okay?". I was pulled out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Hyunjin sit down infront of me. "Y-yeah just thinking". He let out a giggle. "I noticed that, you were staring at your food for quite some time". Was i really that deep into my thoughts?

I was still looking at Jaemin. Hyunjin looked into the direction i was looking at. "Ah, you were thinking about him". I looked at him. "No-o, it's not like that". "Oh really". I playfully hit his arm. "Stop okay". Me and Hyunjin talked a bit more. Little did i know, someone was watching us the whole time.

I got home and went straight to my room. Not wanting to talk to my parents. I laid down on my bed. Slowly my eyes started to close. What felt like a minute, turned out to be 2 hours. I woke up, because i heard my mom yelling. "Y/N DINNER IS READY!".

I sighed and got out of bed. I stumbled down the stairs and went to the kitchen. When i sat down at the kitchen table, i could already feel the tension in the air. My mom placed the food on the table. No one said a word. I got startled when my dad slammed his fist on the table.

"Dad is everythi-". "Jeez y/n can't you just do your best in school for once!?". "Dad what are you talking about?".  "The school called me that you've been sleeping in class".  I looked at him. "Seriously you're getting mad over that?". I said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Y/n you have to do good in school, you can't bring our family status down!". "Where the hell is this coming from!?". "It's not good for us to have a daughter that doesn't do good in school". "Seriously!? What's wrong with you people!?".

"You only care about money and status! Have you guys ever thought about how i feel!? Huh!? No i don't think so!". I stood up and grabbed my jacket. "Y/n! Where are you going". I heard my mom yell. "Away from the hell hole!". "We'll be gone for 2 days!". "GOOD!" I walked out of the house and made sure to slam the frontdoor as hard as i could.

I went into the city. Why do they always have to be like that? Can't they just once think about how i feel? It's always about oh we, money this, status that. Like i don't care. All i want is a normal and loving family. I've been walking around the city for quite some time now. It started to get darker and darker.

I finally started to calm down a bit. I was walking by these alley's, but i heard some strange noises. It sounded like someone was in pain. I walked into the direction the sounds were coming from. When i turned around this corner into an alley, I saw 2 big man beating up someone.

Shit what do i do now? I don't want to get beat up aswell. I sighed and shouted. "Hey stop that!". The two big man turned around into my direction. Now i could see the person they were beating up.


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