Part 38

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As i stood in the elevator all alone, I got even more nervous. What if this goes wrong? I let out a deep sigh as i reached the top floor. From here on i have to take the stairs. I walked up the stairs and at the top of the stairs was the door to the rooftop.

"You can do this y/n". I put on a confident facial expression and opened the door. "Well well well, look who we have here". Hyunjin's dad said as he saw me. I rolled my eyes and got closer to him and his 2 men. "I see that you came alone, not a smart move little girl". I let out a bitter laugh. "At least i can do stuff on my own".

I could see the anger in his eyes. "You  know that's not true, we could easily take you down right now". A smirk appeared on my face. "You could, but you'll go home empty handed". Hyunjin's dad scoffed.
"Give us the usb stick back". He said sticking out his hand.

"No,no,no, not so fast. It's not that easy".
He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah really funny little girl, just give us whats ours".
I raised my eyebrow and folded my arms. "Fine, what is it that you want". "From now on, i want you to leave me, Jaemin and Hyunjin alone". "Hyunjin? he's my son".

"And he's my friend, so stop controlling him and leave us alone". "Thats not gonna work". He said with a stupid smile on his face. I sighed and pulled the usb stick out of my pocket. "Well that sucks for you, cause you won't be getting this back". I said walking closer to the edge of the building.

I held the usb stuck over the edge. "Wait-t what are you gonna do". "These files aren't that important, right?". I said looking at Hyunjins dad. "Y/n get away from the edge". "It would be such a shame if it suddenly slipped out of my hand". I slowly started taking my fingers off of it.

When i was holding it with only one finger, Hyunjins dad said "STOP!". I looked at him and his men. I could see they started to panic. "Just- okay, we'll make a deal".
I got away from the edge and walked closer to them. "So you're gonna leave us alone". A smirk appeared on his face.
"Of course not". 

Suddenly someone grabbed both of my arms. Mr. Hwang came closer to me. "First rule in the mafia, never come alone".
Now there was a smirk on my face. "Well lucky for you, i didn't come alone".
The door to the rooftop was kicked open and in came a stumbling Jaemin and Hyunjin. I rolled my eyes. Why are they this clumsy?

"Yah Jaemin, i told you to open the door in a normal way". Hyunjin said, but he then came to realisation. Him and jaemin finally got into their position. "So this is your backup?". Mr Hwang asked me. "These 2 teenagers?". He let out a laugh. "Son, are you really turning against me?". He said walking closer to Hyunjin, who slowly put his hand on the gun in his belt.

"After all those years, you do this?". "I don't wanna be apart of your stupid gang, i wanna live a normal life!". "You'll never live a normal life, mafia will always be in your blood". Me and jaemin made eye contact and i signaled to him with my eyes to move to the back of me. He understood and slowly got away from Hyunjin.

I could feel that the grip of the man behind me wasn't that strong on my arms anymore. "You really think that this plan was gonna work?". Mr Hwang said as he turned to me. "Look in what for a position you are". The other man grabbed Hyunjins arms. "It's over y/n, just give us the usb stick". He said coming closer to me.

"You think you got us?". He scoffed. "Oh i know so". "Count again". Mr Hwang turned around and only saw me and Hyunjin. "Ugh, where did that Jaemin kid go!?". The man behind me let go of me and went to look for Jaemin. "Now where were we?". I said rubbing the spot where the man held my arms.

I pulled out the usb stick again. "This is what you want right?". I said holding it infront of his face. "Let us go and i'll give it to you!". Mr Hwang laugh. "You do look like you mom". He said quietly but i could still hear it. "Sir i got him". The man came back with Jaemin. He gave me the sorry look. That ugly smirk returned on Mr Hwangs face. "You really think you can beat one of the best mafia leaders?".

He got closer to me and i looked down.
"So y/n, i'm gonna say it one more time". He cleared his throat. "Give us the usb stick". I lifted my head up to look him in the eyes. "Never". With that i threw the usb stick over the edge of the building.
Mr Hwang and his men ran to the edge and i ran up to Hyunjin and Jaemin.
"You little-, why would you do that!". Mr Hwang said.

"Oh you thought that was the real usb stick?".

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