Part 35

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I ran as fast as i could. Not exactly knowing where i was going. My ankle hurts a lot, but i have to keep running. But where the hell was Jaemin? Did he leave? I'm getting really worried. What if something happened to him. I finally got to a familiar street and went inside one of the convenience store.

I searched for some bandage and paid for it. I sat outside in one of the plastic chairs and started wrapping the bandage around my ankle. When i was done i sighed. What are we gonna do now? I don't know where Jaemin is and i also don't know how Hyunjin is doing.

As i was thinking about that, my phone suddenly started ringing. "Hello?". "Y/n, are you safe?". "Wait, jaemin?". "Y/n i don't have much time to talk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay". "I-i'm doing fine. Jaemin where are you? Are you hurt?". "Just get to safety and i'll meet you as soon as possible". With that he hung up.

He sounded really out of breath and nervous. Where the hell is he and what's going on? I stood up and started walking to my house. He will probably meet me there right? As i was walking i got another call. This time it was Hyunjin. "Y/n where are you?". "I'm almost at my house, why?". "I'll be there in 5, if it takes longer then 5 minutes, do not open the door okay!".

"Wait, what are you talking about?". "Just listen to me okay, don't open the door, i'll call you when i arrive". He hung up and i speed walked to my house. I got inside and locked all the doors and windows. What are the guys talking about? I'm getting really scared. I turned off all the lights and grabbed a knife out of the kitchen just to defend myself.

I sat in the middle of the room. My heart was beating so fast. I just want Jaemin with me right now. I could feel tears start to form. I don't wanna die. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. My whole body started shaking. I didn't dare to make a sound. There was another knock on the door. "Y/n it's me Jaemin, please open the door".

I quickly stood up and ran to the door. I unlocked it and quickly pulled Jaemin inside. After i closed the door again. I hugged him so tight. "Wow, wow whats going on?". He said, while stroking my back. "I was so scared!".  He didn't say anything and just tried to calm me down.

After i stopped sobbing, he let go of me and held my head in his hands. He wiped my tears and gave me a small peck. "You're safe now, everything is gonna be alright". Suddenly i felt this kind of anger. I pushed him off me. "Where were you? Why did you leave me alone?".

I helped y/n up into the window. Are we really doing this? What if something goes wrong? What if one of us gets hurt? Y/n looked out of the window on more time. I gave her a smile and she disappeared.
I quickly got away from the house and hid behind some bushes.

I heard people talking behind me. I turned around and saw two men in suits. Sh*t if i stay here they will definitely find me. I slowly started moving, but i accidentally stepped on some branches and they cracked. I looked at the 2 men and they were staring directly at me.

I started running as fast as i could. The two men kept following me. Jeez these guys are fast. I ran around the whole neighborhood trying to get rid of them. After a lot of turns. I didn't see them behind me anymore, but i kept running. What if they suddenly find me?

I got as far away as i could from the house. I stopped at a cafe and got inside. I should be safe here. I sat down in one the booths. I suddenly remembered y/n. I left her all alone. What if something happens to her? I got really stressed. I walked up the counter and asked if i could lend their phone.

I remembered y/ns phone number. "Come on, please pick up". I said nervously. Suddenly she answered. "Hello?". "Y/n are you safe?". "Wait, jaemin?". "Y/n i don't have much time to talk. I just wanted to make sure you were okay". "I-i'm doing fine. Jaemin where are you? Are you hurt?". "Just get to safety and i'll meet you as soon as possible". With that i hung up.

My heart felt less heavy after i heard her voice. I have to get to her as soon as possible. I have to make sure she's alright.
I gave the phone back and rushed out of the cafe. Once i walked out, i saw the 2 men. Luckly they didn't see me, so i ran away. After some time i finally made it to y/ns house.

After Jaemin explained to me what happened. I let out a sigh. I threw my arms around and him. "We did it". "That means you have the usb stick?". He asked as he looked at my face. I pulled the usb stick out of my jacket. He wrapped his arms around me again and lifted me up. "You're amazing". He kissed my cheek.

"I also found this". I pulled some paper files out of my jacket. "Whats this?". Jaemin asked as he grabbed it out of my hands. I shrugged. "It looked important". Jaemin read through the papers. "Y/n, come look at this". I walked up to him and i was in shock with what i saw.

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