Part 39

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I held out my hand and Jaemin placed the real usb stick in my hand. "This is what you wanted right?". Mr Hwang and his men let out a sigh. "So, do we have a deal or not?". I asked, stepping forward. It was silent for some time, but Mr Hwang let out a groan. "UGH! FINE!". A smirk appeared on my face.

"Let me make it clear, from now on, you'll leave me, jaemin and Hyunjin alone". He looked me in the eyes. "Why did you have to turn out like your mom". He said. What does he mean? He let out a laugh. "what a shame that they couldn't keep you in their gang". He started walking around me. "You would have been good to use".

What is he talking about? I'm really confused right now. "But oh well, thats someone less to worry about for me".
He stopped infront of me. "Now, where were we". That ugly smile appeared. "The usb stick". I sighed. "How do i know i can trust you?". I asked. Mr Hwang groaned again.

"I guess you'll just have to believe me on my word". I looked behind me at Jaemin and Hyunjin who were both nodding their head. I turned back to look at Mr Hwang and sighed. I lifted my hand up and opened it. "Here". Mr Hwang quickly grabbed the usb stick. "Your mother would be proud of you". Mr Hwang and his men started walking away.

But before they could leave, i said. "Mr Hwang!". He turned around and looked at me. "Don't mess this up, you know what we're capable of". He nodded and him and his men disappeared. As soon as they were gone i let out a deep breath that i didn't know i was holding. Jaemin and Hyunjin walked up to me and i hugged the both of them.

"We did it". I said. "You did it". I heard Jaemin say. We hugged for a couple seconds and then let go. "Do you think we can trust your dad?". I asked Hyunjin. "I think so". We just stood there to take everything in. "Y/n you were so badass". Hyunjin suddenly said. "I've never seen that side of you". I giggled. "Didn't know i could do that either". I said.

"Well you did a great job". Jaemin said. "Let's go, i don't wanna be here any longer". I said. "Where are we going?". Hyunjin asked. "My house, where else?".
I said with a laugh. After some time we arrived at my house. Of course my parents weren't there.

As soon as i stepped inside my house i yawned.  "Take some rest y/n, you need it". Jaemin said. I nodded my head and walked upstairs. Jaemin followed me. I was too lazy to change, so i just laid down on my bed. Jaemin sat next to me and stroked my hair. I slowly started closing my eyes. "I'm so proud of you". Were the last words i heard before i fell asleep.

I woke up cause of the bright light in my room. I opened my eyes and jaemin wasn't next to me. I started walking down the stairs, cause i smelled something really good. When i arrived in the kitchen. I saw Jaemin and Hyunjin trying to make pancakes. The whole kitchen was a mess.
Hyunjin finally noticed me and said. "Oh hey y/n, did you sleep well?".

I just laughed and helped them clean up the kitchen and themselfs. The pancakes were done and we ate them. They were really good. "Let's go to school, we don't wanna be late". We all got ready and left to go to school. The three of us walked into the school. A smile on all our faces.
Me and Jaemin said goodbye to Hyunjin and walked to our class.

I was looking around the canteen. Seeing Hyunjin with his friends. He gave me a quick smile. Everything feels normal. We can sit here and we don't have to worry about anything anymore. I can finally live my life with Jaemin. Thinking of that made me smile. "What are you smiling about?". Jaemin said staring at my face.

"You know, us". "What about us?". Jaemin said with a smile on his face. "We can finally live our lives like normal teenagers".
I looked down. "I don't have to worry about almost losing you". Jaemin lifted my. chin up and made me look into his eyes.
"You will never lose me". He said and gave me a small kiss. "I love you y/n".

"I love you too, Na Jaemin".

Going Through Changes | njm✔️Where stories live. Discover now