Part 29

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Me and Jaemin arrived at school. I was practically shaking. Jaemin noticed and said. "If you see him, don't look at him, just try to ignore him and stay as close as possible to me". I nodded my head. We walked inside and so far so good. No Hyunjin. Maybe he isn't even gonna come to school today.

"I'll see you later". Jaemin said and walked away. He had a different class then me right now. I took a deep breath as i closed my locker and started walking. I noticed everyone was looking at me. Is there something on my face? I grabbed my phone so i could look at my face, but through the phone i could see someone standing behinde me.

It's Hyunjin. They were probably looking at him. I started speed walking away. I need to get to my class as soon as possible. I finally saw my class and as i was like 2 meters away from the door, someone said. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?". I knew it was Hyunjin.

I didn't make eye contact and just walked into the classroom without saying anything. I sat down in my usual seat, but Hyunjin took a seat behind me. I started to feel nervous and scared. What if he tries something. The lesson started, and he hasn't tried or said anything..... yet.

Suddenly i felt that he was really close to my ear. I couldn't breath any more. I was so scared. "You think you guys were so smart to call the cops?". He whispered and ended it with a scoff. He suddenly took a stand of my hair and started playing with it. "Jaemin wouldn't like it if something happened to you".

"Too bad for him, he isn't gonna be able to safe you this time". I quickly stood up. "Yes y/n?". The teacher asked. Everyone was starring at me. "May i go to the bathroom". The teacher nodded. I ran out of class and took a deep breath when i was in the halls. I could feel the tears started to form in my eyes.

I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands. I started crying. I can't do this anymore. All of this is creeping the hell out of me. Why can't Hyunjin just leave us alone. I just wanna live a happy life with Jaemin by my side. But he's making all of this really difficult.

"Hey, whats wrong?". I looked up and saw Jaemin standing there. He kneeled down and held my face in hands. "I can't do this anymore". I heard jaemin say something under his breath. "That bastard". Jaemin hugged me. "I had a feeling something was wrong, so i left my class to check up on you".

"Hyunjin was saying stuff to me, and i couldn't handle it anymore, so i ran out of class". I told him. "He told me that you wouldn't be able to safe me this time".
I cried in his arms. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?". I asked.  "I-i don't know, but i'm not letting you alone anymore".

We sat in the halls for a pretty long time. Suddenly the bell rang. "I have to get my bag". Me and jaemin both stood up and walked into the classroom. "Y/n where were you?". My teacher asked me. "Sorry miss, i didn't feel so good". "Thats okay, next time please tell me". I nodded my head and me and Jaemin walked out of the classroom.

Jaemin hasn't left my side all day. I felt really safe with him next to me. Hyunjin has been giving us looks through out the day. He's planning something. But what exactly is he planning? After school me and Jaemin went to my house. Luckly my parents weren't home.

"Are your parents always gone?". Jaemin asked me as he sat down on the couch.
"I don't know and i definitely don't care".
I said with a laugh. I grabbed something to drink and some food and sat down next to Jaemin on the couch.

Me and Jaemin have been sitting on the couch for a very long time. It started to get dark outside. "Wow it's already getting late, i didn't even notice". I said. "Time flies by when you're having fun". Jaemin said with a wink. "YAH stop that!". I playfully hit him. "Ah! Why do you always hit me!". He said with a laugh.

"Ah, does it hurt?". I said in a baby voice, kinda making fun of him. We were both mocking each other. Suddenly Jaemin grabbed both of my hands and pushed me back onto the couch. He hovered over me and said.

"You think you're so funny huh?".

Going Through Changes | njm✔️Where stories live. Discover now