Chapter One

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Jack's POV

I hadn't bothered chasing Melody after she stormed out of the night club. I knew I'd earn a slap in the face if I didn't let her cool down. 

I headed over to Daniel and Peggy to tell them I was heading home. When walking out into the crisp air I saw out of the corner of my eye a Muntz model car driving away down the street. I snapped into action almost immediately. That may be Frankie Russo's car.

I slammed on the gas pedal of my car, but by the time I had reached the end of the street, the car was gone. I sighed and turned my car around towards home. 

While driving I glanced over to the passenger's seat and remembered Melody twisting my mother's ring anxiously around her finger. God how I missed her.

When I reached my apartment I practically collapsed as soon as I closed the door. I sank down onto the sofa and bit my lip in frustration. Melody was such a pain in the ass.

I reached the office the next morning with dark shadows under my eyes. I hadn't been sleeping much lately since me and Melody ended things. 

I glanced over to her seat and noticed that she hadn't arrived yet. It was quite strange, usually she was here before me.

Daniel knocked softly on my office door and came in quietly.

 "I just wanted to apologize for last night Jack. I had no idea they would be there. I didn't mean to dig up painful memories." 

"It's okay, not your fault she has me wrapped around her finger."

 "More like she's wrapped around your heart," he replied. 

I sighed and shuffled my papers. 

"It looks like it affected her too, she hasn't come in to work yet," Daniel added. 

"That's not usually like her. She stands her ground around here."

I grew slightly concerned but I shook the feeling off as Daniel returned to his desk. About an hour later Peggy arrived and came to see me. 

"Well finally a female agent decides to show up for work." 

"I told you a few days ago that I would be late because of a doctors appointment. Where's Melody?" 

"How would I know?"

Worry quickly clouded Peggy's face. 

"What did she look like when she left the nightclub last evening?"

 "Pissed, as usual." 

Peggy fiddled with her purse as the worry on her face grew deeper. 

"Do you think something is wrong Peggy?" 

"I'm not sure. I'm going to find out if something is though."

I watched as she headed to her desk and picked up her phone. I held my breath and prayed she would pick up. Peggy's face fell and she set the phone down. 

"Nothing. She didn't pick up." 

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