Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next morning dissolved into the afternoon before I even knew it. We were expecting guests late in the afternoon. Finally the first knock came. Jack gave me a grin and swung open the door.

"Merry Christmas!!"

I watched as a cheery young woman with blonde hair and shining blue eyes wrapped Jack into a hug. Her husband was a gentle fellow with raven hair and thick glasses. She stepped away from Jack and turned towards me.

Her expression looked shocked. I panicked; did I have smudged lipstick or something? She recovered quickly and took her husband's hand.

"Sarah and Michael, this is Melody."

"It's really nice to meet you both!"

Jack's sister shook my hand politely and her husband did the same. Just as I was making my introductions two young boys ran in from the hallway. They attacked Jack's legs like little puppies. Jack bent down and immediately started wrestling them.

"These are our two boys, Harris and Gabe."

Sarah cleared her throat and the boys stopped their antics to acknowledge me sweetly. Gabe, the oldest, straightened his tiny bowtie and waved.

"Gabe here has just turned eight a few weeks ago and Harris is turning six this May."

"Happy birthday bud!" Jack said as he ruffled Gabe's hair.

"Please come in! Jack can take your coats."

The little boys ran over to the Christmas trees and looked excitedly at the gifts labeled for them.

"Not yet boys," their father scolded.

Jack showed Sarah and Michael to the coach as I checked on the turkey.

"Was the drive long?"

"You're so silly Jack. It's like you think we live a million miles away from the city."

"Sometimes it feels like that," Jack mumbled.

"So, where's dad? Has he decided to show his face?"

Jack rolled his eyes at his sister.

"Hopefully he does. It's time to mend the bonds between you guys."

A few minutes later another knock came from the front door.

Jack swiftly went to open it. He straightened slightly when a brooding man entered the room. His bushy eyebrows furrowed when he saw Sarah. I got up quickly and went to stand by Jack's side.

"Dad, I'd like to introduce Melody."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Thompson."

I gave him a firm handshake to his surprise.

"Last time I met a woman with a good handshake was...well, your mother Jack."

I stood confidently and smiled.

"From what I've heard she sounds like a truly special woman."

Mr.Thompson gave a curt nod and approached his daughter.

"Good to see you Sarah, and Michael."

The small boys got up from their seat near the Christmas tree and hovered around their grandfather.

"Boys, come give your old grandfather a hug!"

Mr.Thompson started playing with them just like Jack had done. After some small talk we gathered around the dinner table. Sarah and Michael sat with Gabe on one side of the table. Jack sat at the head so I took a seat to his left.

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