Chapter Twenty

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It didn't matter to me that it was late, I had to talk with Jack. I had to put all my cards on the table, no matter how scared that made me.

I knocked rapidly on the door and fidgeted with my purse. No one answered so I knocked again. Jack swung open the door and yawned, indicating he'd been asleep. I pushed past him and headed into his apartment.

"Why are you here so late Brown?"

"I'm here because we need to talk."

"It's almost one o'clock, can't it wait?"

"Nope, I'm afraid it can't."

I switched from leaning my weight on my right leg to my left and then back again.

"Just spit it out Brown."

"Okay, fine. We need to address what happened."

"You mean at the party?"

"No, what happened that caused us to break up."

Jack sighed and leaned against the wall.


"We were happy before Frankie interrupted our lives Jack. I know you aren't happy with my past, neither am I. I've made some bad choices in my life to get me here, but the worst choice of all I could make is not fighting for you."

I paused for a moment and let my words sink in.

"Lying to you wasn't the best plan of action, but I was so confused and scared when I first started discovering my past again. I had no idea what I'd done in Atlanta. It all came back so suddenly when I saw Frankie-"

"You don't get it Mel. I can get over the double agent thing. Hell, I've done worse than that. It's the fact that..the fact you were even with a man like that. What does that say about you?"

"When I was in love with Frankie, he wasn't some hot-shot mobster prowling the streets and assaulting people. He was just a kid from my hometown. When he changed so did I, and he didn't like that. I had to get away and start a new life, and I did. With you."

"I can't be with you Mel."

"Why not? Look at me Jack."


"Why can't you?"


I felt the like breath had gotten knocked out of my chest. He approached me quickly and grabbed my hips.

"I love you Melody, you understand? I'm terrified. I've never felt this way about anyone before. If this goes wrong I couldn't live with myself. That's why I had to stop it before it truly began."

Tears welled in my eyes as I touched Jack's cheek.

"I love you too Jack."

Jack pulled me into his chest and kissed me feverishly. He backed me against the wall, his body enveloping me. I tugged at his shirt which he removed quickly.

Like an animal he tore off my blouse, leaving me standing in my red lace bra.

His eyes bore into me, almost as if he was trying to leave an imprint in his mind. Jack shamelessly placed open-mouthed kisses all along my neck and collarbone.

I bit my lip which made him smile devilishly.

I ran my hands up and down his back until he grabbed them and pinned them against the wall.

"I want you," he murmured hungrily.

"Then take me."

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