Chapter Five

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Jack's POV

"Where the hell is Carter? I told you to tell her to come right away! Can you not follow even simple directions Sousa?"

Daniel rolled his eyes at me and shifted his suitcase in his hand.

"Look, she's here. And she brought...oh no."

I looked over at Peggy and saw she brought none other than...Howard Stark.

"Good God," I mumbled.

"Hello boys," Peggy said cheerfully.

"I brought us some back up."

"More like trouble," I shot back.

"Good to see you Jack. I heard we're going after a damsel in distress. Do I get to keep the prize?"

I huffed angrily at Howard.

"Peggy, please explain as to why this man is joining our rescue team?"

"He has connections, Jack. He can get us into the top clubs in Atlanta, and hopefully that will lead us to Russo. He runs with a rich crowd, so he's bound to end up in a nightclub sooner or later."

I turned to Daniel to try and get him to help my case.

"Sorry Jack, I agree with Peggy. We need Howard."

I rubbed my temples in frustration.

"I can't believe I'm taking orders from you guys. I'm the Chief here, so when we reach Atlanta I'm in charge." 

"Why are we taking an air service? You guys know I have a bunch of private airfields right?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved a ticket into Howard's chest.

"Just be quiet and get on the plane."

Peggy and Daniel smirked at each other. Of course they got seats next to each other.

I had to listen to Howard complain about the quality of the rum on the plane for two hours.

I pulled my hat over my face and attempted to block out his whining. I couldn't help but picture Melody sitting next to me, smirking or challenging me to something. I can't believe how much I missed her stubborn company.

The plane landed after what seemed like forever. I grabbed my luggage and found Peggy and Daniel ordering coffee at the airport.

"What are you two doing? We need to get moving right away!"

Peggy sighed and handed me a cup.

"Drink up Jack. It's going to be one long night."

Melody's POV

I tossed and turned in bed until long after the sun had come up. I didn't want to have to see Frankie. I just needed to figure out a way to escape and get back to New York.

To get back to Jack.

To my dismay a maid came into my room and opened the blinds. Harsh light filtered into my room and caused me to squint.

"Miss Brown, Mr.Russo has requested your presence in the gardens."

I nodded and quickly got dressed. My wardrobe was still filled with summer dresses and riding clothes. I picked an airy blue pantsuit with a red clasp belt. With a lazy hand I tussled my hair and headed to the gardens.

I saw Frankie admiring a Hydrangea bush by a shadowy grove. He saw me and smiled brightly. I reached out and touched a flower tenderly.

"I planted these for you when you got sick that one winter so you could admire them from your window. You would sit and stare at them for hours, and then request the maids to cut you some every morning."

I picked a flower and twirled it in my fingers.

Frankie reached out and plucked the flower from my hand. He brushed a curl aside and tucked the flower into my hair.

"You're still as gorgeous as ever," he whispered.

My heart fluttered slightly, but something stopped me.

Someone stopped me.


My heart longed for his touch, his smile. I turned away from Frankie and I tried to hold back my tears.

"I don't love you anymore, Frankie. I've moved on. I met someone new..."

"I know. Jack Thompson. Chief of the SSR office in NYC. I saw the way he looked at you in the nightclub. He cares a lot for you."

I blinked back tears and looked at Frankie.

"Please then, let me go. Let me go back to Jack. There's nothing left for us."

Anger and grief clouded his dark eyes.

"No, I can't. You may think you don't love me now, but you can get those feelings back. I meant what I said that night on Widow's Peak, did you?"

"When I was young and silly, yes. Now I'm older and I've moved on from our teenage romance."

I grabbed his hand tenderly and looked into his eyes.

"Please let me go."

He pulled his hand away and stared darkly at me.

"No. This time, you won't get your own way."

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