Chapter Twelve

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Melody's POV

I sat stock-still in Frankie's car. He was driving back to Atlanta with three of his goons in the backseat. 

I hated this car now. 

I kept imagining that night with Frankie. My mind had a swarm of memories coming back from my teenage years. A single tear escaped my eye as I looked out the window.

 "Cheer up Mel. We'll be back home soon enough."

 "Atlanta isn't my home. New York is my home. You took that all away from me." 

Frankie clenched his jaw which only made me think of Jack. 


Where was he? Was he going to come looking for me? 

Would anybody?

We reached a tall penthouse building and headed inside. Frankie nodded to the woman at the front desk and guided me into the elevator.

 "I hope you like the view," Frankie said as he opened the door.

 The penthouse overlooked the city, my home from long ago.

 "This should be adequate. If you need anything just call downstairs. Oh and just as a reminder, the door is always guarded. Phones are monitored. Don't try anything."

 I glared at Frankie and he left the room. I collapsed into a seat and ran my hands through my curls. I had to get a message to Peggy, and quickly.

I was too scared to write Jack. I don't think he would even care. I couldn't stop thinking about the way he looked at me. 

I knew then I'd lost him. 

He would never want to see me again. I remembered the lady at the front desk. If she could just send out a message for me, then maybe I would have a chance to escape. I headed for the small study area and grabbed a paper and pen.

 I scribbled down the address of the penthouse and signed in before tucking the note into an envelope. I grabbed the phone and dialed for the front desk.

"Harley Apartments and Penthouses, how can I help you today?"

 "Hi, I'm in penthouse 244 and I was wondering if you had any spare shampoo. I forgot to pack some and I'm unable to leave to go get some today." 

"No problem, a maid will be up shortly." 

"Thank you!" 

I hung up the phone and waited by the door. I heard murmurs from outside from the guards. Finally after questioning the maid they let her in. I shut the door quickly after her. 

"Here's your shampoo Miss. Can I be in service any other way today?"

 "Oh yes, the shower head is acting funny. Could you help me?" 

She nodded and I led her into the bathroom.

 "Listen, I need your help. You can't tell anybody I've given you this. I need you to send this message to the New York Bell Company. It's urgent," I said in a low tone.

 "M-miss, I'm not allowed to-"

 "Please. I need this to be delivered. Hide it in your coat pocket and send it out when you get off of work."

 I looked intently in her eyes as she nodded silently. She took the letter and before she left I grabbed her hand tenderly.

 "Thank you."

I prayed the maid wouldn't snitch. I wouldn't blame her, she was working against some pretty powerful forces. I looked around the penthouse for any other possible escape routes. I was too many stories up to jump, the door was guarded...the vents. 

I found one in the bedroom and studied it closely. I had no idea where it would lead, but I was not going to give up on this idea. It was bolted to the wall, but maybe if I could find a screw-driver then I could pop the grate off.

I heard my door open and I quickly scrambled off the floor. 

"So how's the new place?" 

I turned to look at Frankie. 

"I expected more." 

Frankie scoffed and leaned against the door frame. 

"I have more. I'd be glad to bring you somewhere more private-"

 "On second thought, this is fine." 

He looked me up and down. This used to make my heart beat quicken, but now it just made my stomach queasy. 

Don't get me wrong, Frankie was good looking. He had swagger and a way to woo ladies, but it was not enough for me to get over everything that he'd taken from me. 

My memories, my job, Jack.

 I had spent so long rebuilding my life to recover from my old one, and here it was chasing me down again. 

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