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Melody's POV

The weeks before Christmas had never been so stressful. I was cooking constantly, doing work for the SSR, buying gifts, decorating, all while preparing to meet Jack's family.

It was Christmas Eve and I was busy making another batch of cookies. Jack's apartment had become a winter wonderland.

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra played soft Christmas music in the background of my baking frenzy. I pulled a batch of cookies out of the oven and set them on a cooling rack.

Jack was working late at the office despite the fact that a new layer of snow was busy covering the ground. Tired from the craziness, my feet pointed me in the direction of the couch.

Sinking into the cushions never felt so wonderful. As I was drifting off I heard the door creak open.

I sat up slightly and watched Jack snag a gingerbread cookie off the rack and pop it into his mouth with a grin.

"Tired, sweetheart?"

To answer him I fell back into the couch once more. He gave a small laugh and set down his coat.

"Sorry to say but you can't fall asleep just yet."

"And why not? Do you have another assignment for me Chief?"

Jack extended his hand and helped me get on my feet. He pulled me over to the window and watched the soft, quiet snow fall for a moment.

I looked up and saw his face illuminated by the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree.

He pulled out a small black box with a silver bow on top.

"What's this?"

"Well, I thought it might be more special to open our gifts alone. Tomorrow will be too crazy to have a moment for just the two of us."

I took the box and opened it excitedly. My eyes went wide as I gasped at the present.


My breath had disappeared from my lungs. Inside the box was a gold bracelet with a delicate compass in the center.

"For the life of me I didn't know your taste. Then I thought I might as well make it practical."

I could tell Jack was searching my face for a reaction.

"If you don't like it we can always exchange it-"

"I love it." I touched his cheek tenderly. "Spot-on Jack. It's absolutely my taste."

Jack picked up the bracelet and slipped it onto my wrist. I admired the small compass, the shiny arrow and cursive letters. I squinted and saw an inscription in the middle.

"What is that date Jack?"

"It's the day when you first pointed a gun at me and refused to let me help you on a mission. The day we first met."

"You remembered the exact day?"

"How could I forget? I've never been so frustrated and turned on any other time in my life."

I pushed him playfully on the shoulder as he chuckled.

I stepped away from Jack and went digging under the tree. I pulled out a medium sized box wrapped in cheery paper.

"Your turn Jack."

He sat down on the couch and tore the paper like an excited little boy. I rested my head on his shoulder as he opened the box.

"Oh wow Mel!"

Jack grasped the italian leather briefcase happily. The buckles were brass and matched the light leather perfectly.

"Well I saw how beat up your other one was so I thought you might want a replacement. Plus, look inside."

Jack flipped opened the case and noted the initials inside along with a new set of fountain pens.

"This is amazing Melody. No one has ever given me something so special."

Jack wrapped me in a hug as I planted kisses along his neck. He turned up the radio and pulled me up to dance to Moonlight Becomes You. I peaked over his shoulder and watched the snow collecting on the fire escape.

"Just so you know, you're the best present I could've asked for Mel."

"I'd have to say I prefer the bracelet over you," I commented jokingly.

Jack twirled me around and pulled me back tighter.

"I'm never letting you go again Thompson."

"I wouldn't let you if you tried."

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