Chapter Twenty-Four

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Melody's POV

The weeks leading up to Christmas were crazy. No large cases were happening in work thankfully, so this left me with plenty of time to focus on decorating Jack's apartment.

Jack had refused to let me go back to my apartment alone after the break-in, much less stay there. I had been preparing for the holiday relentlessly.

This had to be perfect. I was coming back to Jack's apartment when surprisingly Peggy was waiting for me in the hallway.

"Hey Peg! What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering if you were busy today?"

"I've just been running a few errands, what's up?"

"I have no clue what to get Daniel for Christmas and I was wondering what you got Jack."

Oh no. I'd forgotten one of the biggest elements of Christmas.


"I've been so busy decorating and preparing cards and food and games that I forgot to get presents for literally everyone!"

"It's good to know we're in the same boat then Mel. Let's go shopping today. Maybe afterwards we can stop by the automat to grab hot chocolate and show Angie our gifts because she's probably bored at work."

"That sounds like a perfect plan. Let me just put these groceries away and I'll be ready."

Peggy and I headed to a group of department stores and went into a shopping frenzy.

"Let's see, I need something for Jack, his two nephews, his sister, her husband, his dad, Daniel, Angie, and of course you!"

"We better get to work."

Jack's POV

"Ugh, I hate shopping. Why did you drag me in here again Daniel?"

"Because we will both be sleeping on the couch for a year if we pick bad Christmas gifts for the girls. Now will you just be quiet and gather ideas?"

I rolled my eyes as we continued into the department store.

"What about jewelry? That's pretty easy."

"Easy? Have you ever met a woman Jack? You can't just buy some random necklace and call it a day. You have to know her taste."

I walked to the jewelry department and headed to the man working behind the counter. The cases were filled with jewels and pearls and gold bands that made my head spin.

"Hello gentlemen, how can I help you today?"

"My friend and I here are in need of a good gift."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

I turned to Daniel who'd gone off to explore a case of watches.

"Uh, I'm not sure. What's popular right now?"

The man slid open a case of pulled out a pearl necklace.

"This long necklace is one of our best-sellers."

I looked at it for a moment, but it didn't catch my eye.

"I don't think she'd like that."

The man then picked out a silver chain necklace with a small locket at the end.

"How about this sir?"

"No, it's not quite her style."

After going through some more options something glinted and caught my eye. I walked over to the case and smiled.

I'd found the perfect gift.

Melody's POV

After hours of shopping I'd finally ticked everyone off my list. Peggy had gone off to another store while I picked gifts for her and Daniel.

We met up in the department store again and were on our way out when I spotted Jack and Daniel. Jack spotted me and immediately whipped a small box behind his back. I laughed and we sped up to join them.

"Whatcha got there Jack?"

"Something you can't see until Christmas. So glad I'm not the only one doing last minute shopping."

"Daniel and I are going to head out if that's okay Melody."

"Sure! We'll see you two at the office tomorrow."

"So I got gifts for everyone. I didn't really know your families' tastes so I'll show you what I picked out at our home-I mean your apartment."

I blushed, that's the first time I'd called it our home. Jack snaked his arm around my waist and smiled.

"It's okay, I like calling it our home."

Jack helped me carry the many packages back home and put them under the tree. I made us coffee and we sat and chatted.

"You know Mel, my family is going to love you."

"I hope they do."

Jack paused for a moment. I could tell he wanted to ask me something.

"What is it Jack?"

"Well...what about your family?"

Sad memories took over the contented feeling I'd had just moments earlier.

"My mom died when she gave birth to me. My dad, well, we haven't talked since Frankie and I moved to Atlanta."

Jack nodded quietly.

"It's late. We should be getting to bed."

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