Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The New Years party was in full swing by the time we arrived. I spotted Daniel and Peggy at the bar who were chatting with Angie and her date.

"Mel! Over here!"

"Nice to see you guys! Who's this Angie?"

Angie gave a bright smile and turned to the tall gentleman. He had soft curly hair and a dashing smile.

"This is Luke Aderson. Luke, this is Melody Brown and Jack Thompson."

I shook Luke's steady hand and nudged Jack to do the same.

"Where's Howard and Jarvis?"

"Howard is busy chasing a ginger-haired girl and Jarvis is trying to remind him that he's supposed to be hosting this party," Peggy filled in.

"Sounds like Howard," Jack mumbled.

"Will you two ever get along?"

"Not if I can help it."

A few minutes later the gentlemen broke off to chat with the other agents.

"Now that the fellas are gone, I wanted to ask if you two ladies would go dress shopping with me."

"You don't have to ask me twice Peg! What do ya say southern belle?"

"Of course! I'll make sure to bring the tissues."

After a round of drinks with Peggy and Angie I decided to go find Jack. I mingled my way around the party until I reached the far side of the club where it led into a separate room. Suddenly, I felt someone pull me by the hips into the room.

I reached under the slit in my dress and pulled my gun out of my thigh holster, only to realize it was Jack.

"What the hell Jack! You cannot just go pulling me into a dark room without warning!"

I smacked him hard in the gut so he doubled over.

"I guess no more surprises," he mumbled while recovering from my hit.

"So? Care to explain yourself?"

"I just was trying to be romantic, didn't know that would strike a chord with you."

Sighing, I touched his cheek and took a step closer to him. He stepped closer as well and ran his thumb along my jawline.

"Care to pick up where we left off?" he whispered suggestively.

My lips crashed into his as my reply. Jack gripped my hips firmly as I ground them against his waist.

My hands flew into his hair and then down to unbutton his shirt.

"Slow down sweetheart, we got time."

His lips went from mine down to my neck.

He started kissing me, achingly slow.

My breath hitched once he reached my chest.

His hand dragged along my thigh, sending shivers down my spine.

Just as we were getting started Howard busted into the room with a woman draped on his arm. They stopped their giggling for a moment to realize we were in the room. I pushed Jack off of me and straightened my dress.

"Well, nice to see you Melody. This room occupied?" Howard asked, smirking.

"Not anymore," Jack said as he pulled me out of the room.

"Mel, why don't we just leave this party and go home?"

"No, it was probably best Howard stopped us. The thought of partaking in activities where Howard has been is not enjoyable."

I shuddered at the thought.

"I'm going to go powder my nose, I'll be back soon."

I headed for the ladies room and splashed some water on my face to calm down from the events before. After fixing my lipstick in the mirror, I pushed the door open and started heading back to the party.

"Ms.Brown! Wait a second!"

I spun on my heel and saw Jarvis standing behind me.

"Jarvis! It's nice to see you again."

"It's good to see you too Ms.Brown. I have something to give you. A note," he added while slipping a cream-colored piece of paper into my gloved hand.

I opened the folded paper carefully and read the contents: "Meet me in the alley outside the club in five. I have something you might want to know."

I stared curiously at Jarvis.

"Who dropped this off?"

"I'm not sure, the matradee handed it to me a few minutes ago. Would you like me to accompany you outside? Or find Mr.Thompson?"

"It's okay Jarvis, I can handle it."

I stepped away from him and headed for the large french doors leading the way out of the club. I pulled my revolver out of my clutch as well as a small dagger disguised as lipstick. I couldn't be too careful. Peering into the darkness of the alley, I observed a silhouette of a small man. He stepped out of the shadows with a skittish look in his eyes.

"Are you Ms.Brown?"

"Who's asking?"

"I'm Roberto. I worked for Frankie."

With the mention of Frankie I whipped my gun out from its hiding place.

"Hey ma'am I'm not after you like that. I ain't want no trouble."

"What are you here for then if not to avenge Frankie's death?"

"Like I said, I worked for Frankie. He wasn't just in the business of drugs. He had a pretty big hand in some mines. Gold. Silver. Rare gems, the like."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"When Frankie, um, well, kidnapped you, he told me that some people weren't going to be happy with that. He wanted you to have his stockpile."

"Of rare materials? Where did he keep these gems and metals?"

"I don't know exactly. He has them hidden. All he left for you is this note."

Roberto handed me a paper with a quick note carefully inscribed onto the heavy paper in cursive letters: "For my Mel. Starry Bank". I read over the note and furrowed my eyebrows.

When I looked up to ask Roberto about the note, he was gone.

Where is Starry Bank? Who broke into her apartment? Is Melody being set up? Come back for book three!!

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