Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jack's POV

"This is a bad idea Daniel."

"It's a good idea. She'll be grateful. Now pick up the phone and dial the damn number."

Reluctantly I grabbed the phone off the hook and glanced at the number scribbled on scrap paper.

Shakily, my fingers ran over the dial. I held my breath as I waited for him to pick up. It rang once, then twice, then a third time...until someone finally answered.


I cleared my voice again before speaking.

Hello, is this Vincent Brown?

Who's asking?

This is Chief Jack Thompson. Can I speak with you for a minute?

Look I want nothing to do with the police-

Oh no this isn't about anything like that I just wanted to introduce myself to you.

Why do I need to know you?

I looked at Daniel who seemed just as uptight as I was feeling. He motioned for me to speak even though I had no idea what to say.

I had to sound confident but not cocky, smart without being a jackass, and manly enough to impress him.

Why the hell couldn't I articulate anything?

Well I've been seeing your daughter Melody for a while now and I thought it was only right if I introduce myself to her father.

She's not with Frankie anymore?

No, Frankie Russo was shot a couple weeks ago. She hasn't been with him for a year or two now.

Hm, serves him right. Who are you again?

The man she's currently seeing.


I would've introduced myself in person but Georgia is pretty far from New York.

Melody's in New York?

Yes, she moved here a couple months ago.


I wanted to invite you to New York to spend Christmas with my family and Melody. I'd like to meet you in person-

Does Melody know about this?

Well, no. I thought I'd surprise her.

I don't think she'd want to see me. I'm not sure I'd want to see her.

From what she's told me her move to Atlanta was a split decision between you and her. She's changed a lot since then and I think she'd want to reconnect and spend Christmas surrounded by family.


Mr.Brown I'd be honored if you joined us. My address is on 34th street, fifth floor of the TFC. Apartment number 502.

We'll see. Goodbye, er- Jack.

Goodbye Mr.Brown.

I finally was able to breathe again.

"What did I just do Daniel. What if Melody gets in a huge fight with her dad and then it's all my fault?"

"Like you said Jack, people should spend Christmas with their family. That's what the holidays are for."

My head wouldn't stop throbbing. There were too many things that could go wrong.

Hopefully Christmas day wouldn't.

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