Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning at the office was a funny one. The whole office had hang-overs from the party the night before. Daniel had his head on his desk while Peggy kept an icepack on hers. 

I chuckled to myself, it pays to know my limit. Jack walked into the office way later than usual, which I attributed to the fact that he was plastered last night.

 He looked at me and his cheeks flushed immediately. I guess he was remembering our chat from the night before. He approached me and shifted uncomfortably. 

"Can I...can I talk to you? In my office?"

 "I'll lead the way."

He closed the door and set down his briefcase on his desk. 

"So, last night..." 

"What about it?"

 I was trying to act as nonchalant as possible. I wanted to make him work for it.

 "What exactly did I say?"

 "You don't remember? We had a lovely chat."


 "Well mainly you were stumbling over your words but you managed to make one thing clear-you're not over me." 

He didn't look surprised. 

"Look if I said anything to make you believe I'm not..not over you then I apologize."

 "Are you sure about that Jack? It seemed to me that someone was begging me to stay over and not give up on their stubborn ass." 

He rubbed the back of his neck and kept his eyes on the hardwood floors. 

"I didn't mean any of it. I was drunk." 

"Drunk words are sober thoughts."

"Not in this case." 

I stepped closer to Jack and straightened his tie. 

"You don't have to lie anymore Jack. I know what you want. Me. Anyone who was at the party last night could see that." 

"It isn't true," he snapped.

 I stepped back from him and crossed my arms. 

"For once in your life could you just admit that under that hard exterior you care about something? Someone?" 


 I wiped the smug look on his face off with a hard slap.

 "Get out," he said in a low tone. 

He didn't have to tell me twice.

I slammed the door which made everyone in the office shush me. I'd forgotten about their headaches. A dark cloud sat over my head the rest of the day. When it was time to go I was the first one out the door. 

I didn't want to give Jack a chance to say anything. I'd had enough of his stupid remarks. I went to the automat to chat with Angie. A slice of pie and gossiping with her always made me feel better. 

"What's bothering you tonight southern belle?"

 I sighed while stirring sugar into my coffee. 

"It's Jack. All my problems seem to revolve around him lately."

 "Did something happen at the party last night?"

 "Not exactly. Jack got really drunk so I drove him home. He was saying all this stuff about how he cared about me. He said not to give up on him. Then I talked to him again today and he pushed me away like usual. How did this all go wrong so fast?"

"I'm sorry Mel. He's a rough case, but so are you. I think both of you need to remove your stubborn exterior and have a real chat. No witty banter or anything. Just plain old feelings."

 I smiled and took a bite of my pie. 

"So, what happened to you at the party? Meet any charming guys?" 

Angie blushed and wiped down the counter.

 "There was this one guy. His name is Luke. He's taking me out Thursday for dinner and dancing." 

"I'm so happy for you Angie! I bet he's a looker too."

 "Not quite as fine as Jack, but a hunk no less."

 "I wish Jack would just listen to me. If I wasn't so angry I'd go over there right now and beat some sense into him."

 "What's stopping you?" 

"My pride?" 

"Nonsense! Go chase the man of your dreams. You know he cares, you just have to give him a little push."

 She snagged my pie away from me and dumped it in the trash. 

"Hey! What was that for?" 

"Go talk to Jack. The pie can wait." 

I grabbed my purse and took Angie's hand. 

"Thank you, I think I will." 

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