Chapter Three

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Melody's POV

No one had come into the parlor for hours now. There was no sign of life anywhere, no noises, nothing.

I kept trying to free myself from bondage but I couldn't manage to twist my way out. Just as I thought I'd found the loophole someone twisted the door handle open.

Into the parlor came none other than Frankie Russo.

My stomach was boiling-I knew I'd heard my kidnapper's voice before. His chestnut hair was styled perfectly and his brown eyes lingered on my party dress from the night before.

He pulled up a chair from a table into the room and placed it a few feet away from me.

"Before we get started, I wanted to apologize for having to knock you out. I didn't want there to be any...complications."

I stared blankly at him and tried to calm my agitation. He shifted in his chair and sighed.

"I guess you don't really care if I apologize. You never liked when people didn't get straight to the point."

I couldn't control my frustration any longer.

"Stop acting like you know me," I snapped.

"Oh but Mel, I do know you. You just don't know me. You used to, but I changed that."

I racked my brain profusely, trying to have any sort of recollection of him before the case.

"Just tell me why you've kidnapped me so we can get to the deal of ransom or whatever it is you're after."

"I'm not after any of that. I'm after you."

He stood up from his chair and slowly walked behind me. I braced for impact, but he just started to untie the ropes around my arms.

After my arms were free I quickly untied my feet and shot up out of the seat. I sent a swift kick to his lower legs which knocked him off his feet and I ran to the parlor door.

I shook it desperately but it was locked. 

"Ouch, Mel."

I turned back around and saw him get up and straighten out his tailored suit.

"As you can see, the doors are locked. There are guards everywhere. And the place is surrounded by a tall gate. I was trying to make this easy for you. I even put you in your favorite room."

I stopped short and slowly surveyed the room closer.

There were large, arched windows with long silky drapes hanging on them. There was a soft Persian rug and an oak fireplace in the corner.

My head spun and I collapsed into the nearest chair.

"Why do I remember this place?" I whispered.

Frankie walked over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

It was almost comforting.

"We spent a lot of time here, reading your Jane Austen novels and dancing near the fireplace. Do you remember that?"

I rubbed my head and stared at the fireplace.

"I'm...I'm not sure."

I looked up at him for a brief moment. His gaze was soft, caring.

"Let me show you something else. Promise not to run?"

I nodded and stood up.

He unlocked the parlor doors and led me down a long hallway. There were many photographs lining the walls and I stopped when I saw one in particular.

It was one of a young girl and boy dancing and smiling in the rain. Their features were hazy, but I knew in an instant who it was.

I was the girl in that photo.

Dancing with Frankie.

He grabbed my hand tenderly and we continued down the hall. Frankie opened the door and took my outside into the hazy light of the late afternoon.

He stopped in front of his Muntz car. I ran my fingers along the gleaming paint of the car.

"It was a warm summer night if I remember correctly. Widow's peak, by the lake. We used to go there all the time, but that night was special."

I looked at him and studied his face. He looked...hopeful. I looked back at the car and peered inside.

My breath was knocked out of me when I looked at the seats in the back.


"Why are we at Widow's Peak tonight, Frankie?"

"I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I...I love you, Mel. Truly, I do."

"I love you too Frankie. I always have, and I always will."

Tears welled into my eyes and I turned back to Frankie.

"What happened to us," I whispered, barely able to form a sentence.

His eyes met mine. They were filled with pain and regret.

"We were young. That night you and I...we...I think you know. We wanted to get married, but your parents didn't want you to marry someone of my...background. They wanted a stable man. So that's when I started working with some people from the streets. To show I could make money. That didn't help. I only got myself in trouble with the law. I had an opportunity to really prove myself to the big guys who ruled whole cities. So, I went to Atlanta. You came with me. We made a life for ourselves. You and I were happy for years, but things went...wrong."

I could barely stand listening to him talk. All the young years of my life I finally began to remember again.

Why had I forgotten all of it? How could I?

"What did you do to me, Frankie?"

His eyes dropped and he sighed deeply.

"What did you do to me?" I said in a low voice.

"You turned against me, Mel. I couldn't let you ruin the life I built for myself. The life I built for us. I had to...wipe your memory. So you wouldn't feel guilty about continuing to work at the SSR. I'm sorry."

"You used me!" I screamed.

"You didn't care for me, you used me to get police information!"

He took a step closer to me.

"That's not the full story, and you know it."

"Oh really? What is the full story, Frankie?"

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