Chapter Twenty-Three

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Melody's POV

I was back in Frankie's penthouse, right after he'd caught me trying to sneak away. The feeling of him ripping my clothes off spun in my head. His expression was that of a monster. I struggled furiously but he wouldn't let me go. I cried out for help, but this time no one came to save me.

I shot up quickly out of bed, breathing hard and fast.

"Melody, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I couldn't even speak, the words wouldn't come. Jack sat up and touched my arm but I shuddered when he did.

He noticed and pulled back.

"Melody, please tell me what's wrong," he said softly.

I tried to slow my breathing as I looked at Jack.

"He...he...he was there again. In that penthouse. On top of me, but this time..."

"This time what?"

"You weren't there to save me," I said softly.

Jack pulled me into his arms and caressed my arm tenderly.

"It was just a dream okay? I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Frankie is out of our lives, he's dead. He won't ever get the chance to try and hurt you again."

Although his words were comforting, I couldn't help but my paralyzed with fear. Someone was after me, after something they think I have.

"I'm so glad you're with me Jack, but what happened if you didn't show up? Frankie would've, he would've..."

"I know, thank God that didn't happen. It won't ever happen. I promise you."

I nestled back into bed, Jack still wrapped around me.

"I love you," he murmured in my ear.

"I love you too."

A few days later I was sorting papers when I overheard Peggy mention something about Christmas to Daniel. Then I remembered, Jack never made the phone call to his family. I set down the papers I was working on and headed into his office.

"Jack, you never told me what your dad or sister said. Are they coming for Christmas?"

I could tell Jack was squirming in his seat. I sighed and sat down.

"You said you were going to at least call them."

"I know, I know. It just feels like a bad idea. They haven't been able to be civil in years."

I leaned in across his desk and took his hand.

"Maybe if you tell them how much I'd like to meet them then they'll cave."

Jack squeezed my hand and picked up the phone.

"It'll take some convincing you know."

"Good thing you're great at convincing."

I left his office and closed the door with a smile.

Jack's POV

Reluctantly I picked up the phone and put my fingers to the dial. I'd try my sister first.

Braimer residence!

Hey Sarah, it's Jack.

Jack! It's good to hear from you. How've you been?

Good, good. I was wondering what you were doing for the holidays.

Michael's parents aren't hosting this year. They're spending Christmas at his brother's house. We were just planning on having a small immediate family party.

Would you consider coming to my place for Christmas? There's this girl...she really wants to meet you and dad.

Are you seriously asking me to spend Christmas in the same room as dad?

Yes, I am. C'mon Sarah, it won't be that bad. I'll keep the peace.

This lady must be really special if you're willing to keep a war at bay for an entire evening.

She is special. Will you do it for me?

Fine, we'll be there. I'm sure the boys will be excited. They haven't seen their Uncle Jack in forever. Bye Jack, see you soon.

I hung up the phone and leaned back in the chair. At least half the battle was won now. The only thing left was to call my dad. This is where the real trouble would start.

Who is it?

Nice to hear your voice too dad.

Don't be a smartass, I know that's hard for you. What do you want?

I was wondering if you would come spend Christmas at my place with...Sarah and her family as well.

I'm not in the mood to be messed with Jack.

I'm not messing with you, there's a reason for all this. There's someone I want you to meet, and she would really like to meet you too.

Oh God, not a woman.

Too bad, you'll have to put up with it. And Sarah. She's already said yes so you better show up.

I made sure to hang up before he had any more time to grumble. I waltzed over to Melody's desk to share the news.

"That's great Jack, thank you!"

She sprung out of her chair to hug me.

"This is going to be-"

"A disaster?"

"I was going to say the best Christmas yet Jack. You'll see."

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