Chapter Four

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Jack's POV

After searching near Melody's car for evidence we headed back to the SSR office. No ransom notes or clues had been dropped off yet.

I paced anxiously around my office when Peggy swung open the door.

"Jack, can we chat for a moment?"

I sat down behind my desk and grabbed the Frankie Russo file to look through again.

"You've searched through that file at least a million times by now. There's not going to be any leads as to where Melody is in that."

"How do you know?" I snapped.

I threw the file across the room and leaned back into my chair.

"I know you're worried Jack. We're going to find her. Daniel is on the phone as we speak, talking to police and workers at the nightclub. It's getting late. You should go home and get some rest."

"I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

She smiled softly at me.

"I figured you'd say that. I ordered some food, it's waiting for you outside."

Daniel, Peggy, and I had pulled an all-nighter trying to figure out where Frankie may have taken Melody. I stared curiously at the bottle of wine on the corner of my desk.

Melody's Creation.

It had to be connected to her disappearance. Then something clicked in my head. I had forgotten how the man had said how the vineyard was in a small town in Georgia.

Just as I was connecting the dots Daniel barged into my room.

"Jack, we've gotten a report that Russo's car has been spotted in a town outside of Atlanta."

I grabbed my overcoat and briefcase hastily.

"Get Peggy and tell her to meet us at the airport. We're leaving for Georgia tonight."

Melody's POV

I stared up blankly at the ceiling of my old room.

This was our summer home.

The farmhouse was situated right on a small vineyard. We used it to get away from the bustle of Atlanta. Now that I was back here, I began to remember everything.

Our old life. My old life.

Now what would Jack think of me?

Frankie knocked and opened the door slowly.

"Dinner is ready. I assumed you haven't eaten in a while so I had the chef make your favorites."

I sat up slowly and looked glared at him.

"Being near you has made me lose my appetite."

"Good to see you're still as headstrong as when I last saw you."

He walked over and held out his hand for me.

"C'mon Mel, I promise you won't regret it."

Even before we reached the dining room, I could smell the carbonara. Frankie pulled out my chair for me as I sat down in the plushy dinner seat. He grabbed a bottle of wine and poured me a glass. Melody's Creation.

"I knew I'd seen that bottle at the liquor store before," I mumbled.

"You loved this wine, because you made it. Always had to have things your way. I loved that about you."

I smiled softly and took a bite of the carbonara.

"I remember your mom used to make this every Sunday when I would come over for dinner. Then she'd tell me I needed to learn how to make it so when we married I could make it for you."

Frankie chuckled and his brown eyes started to shine.

"You could make every other Italian dish to perfection, but not carbonara. You could never quite master the seasoning."

I laughed and took another bite.

"Remember that one time you snuck me into your bedroom and your dad came charging up the stairs and I had to wait on the roof for 30 minutes till you convinced him no one was hidden under your pink comforter?"

"How could I forget? When I let you back in you were practically frozen solid!"

We laughed again, and then a comfortable silence enveloped us. He took a sip of wine and looked at me.

"I've missed this more than you know, Mel. No one makes me smile the way you do."

Sadness clouded my mind.

"Well, you changed that. We could've worked things out instead of you having to become a mobster in Atlanta."

"I never would've been able to prove myself to your family unless I showed them I could care for you. I had to do it, and I'm glad I did. I'm successful, and now I'm running with the big dogs."

"You always did value success and proving yourself more than you valued my opinion," I said, slowly starting to get angry.

I cleared my throat and stood up.

"I need sleep. Bye Frankie.."

I hurried away from the table, and when I reached the door I heard him whisper.

"I value you, Mel. I do."

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