Chapter Seven

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Jack's POV

Peggy parked the car across the street from the gentlemen's lounge.

"Alright, is everyone armed and ready?" Peggy asks.

I nod and tuck my revolver into the holster underneath my suit jacket. Howard insists on walking in front of us to get into the lounge.

"Evening Stew, I brought you guys some new members."

Howard flashed the bouncer, Stew, an award winning smile. He looked Daniel and I up and down, and then turned back to Howard.

"They're not going to cause us any trouble, now will they?"

"Trouble? Moi? Never."

The bouncer sighed and opened the door for us. I straightened my tie and followed Howard inside.

Soft jazz music played and a bunch of important men who reminded me of Vernon sat around smoking cigars.

"Ah, feels like home," Howard chuckled. "It just needs a few more women."

Daniel and I rolled our eyes and split off from him.

"Just keep your eyes peeled, Howard."

Daniel and I headed to the bar and surveyed the room.

"Okay you can start on the far side of the room. I'll take the front and we meet in the middle."

I had spaced out.

I couldn't stop thinking about how I had just let her walk off. She was angry, so was I. I couldn't stand the fact that we had left on bad terms.

The guilt ate at me.

I should've just swallowed my pride and apologized. Now it was too late. She was gone, and I might never see her again.

"Jack, you okay? Did you hear my plan?"

I shook my head and turned to Daniel.

"Yeah, sorry. I heard. I'll see you in a bit."

We broke apart and I headed towards the back. I stopped when I saw a man enveloped in a cloud of smoke sitting in the corner.

There were two blondes on either side of him. I approached him and sat down. He was a large man, Italian for sure.

He looked me up and down, and then offered me a cigar silently. I took it and one of the ladies lit it.

"I thought this was a gentlemen's only club," I said.

He chuckled and leaned in closer to me.

"When you've got enough money, you can bend the rules."

I sat back and took a drag on the cigar.

"Russo, does he come here often?"

The man sat up straighter and eyed me suspiciously.

"How do you know Russo?"

"He's a friend. We met in New York when he was there the past few weeks on business. He left quickly and I went to come check up on him. I heard he hangs out here sometimes."

The man kept his guard up but began to act a little more comfortable.

"Yeah, Russo comes here to meet with Every Saturday night."

"I haven't seen him around."

"You won't tonight. He's out of town again, not too far but still away. He'll be back in town next week."

"Is he by any chance at his vineyard?" I asked the man.

"Yeah, I believe so. Out in Blue Ridge, I think."

I stood up and tossed my cigar in the ashtray.

"Thanks bud, we'll have to do this again sometime."

I headed over to Daniel who was busy trying to drag Howard away from the blondes who were at the table earlier.

"Come on, I got what we came here for. Let's get out of here."

Howard huffed and finally complied. We met Peggy in the car as we headed back to our hotel.

"What did you find out? Was he there?"

"No, but I know where he is. We were right Sousa, he owns a vineyard out here. That's where the bottle of wine is from. It's out in Blue Ridge. We can check out and leave in the morning."

"Good work, Jack. I suggest everyone tries to get some sleep for tomorrow."

We left the car and headed to the elevator.

"Are you coming, Howard?"

"I'll catch up later Peg. Right now, I see a brunette who needs assistance."

Melody's POV

Frankie had moved me to a room sectioned off from the rest of the house. The door was bolted shut, the windows barred.

No escape.

I could still see the garden from my room as well as the main gate. A maid brought me meals now. I wasn't allowed to venture around anymore, not after my escape attempt. I heard the door unlock, and in came Frankie with a tray of food.

"I decided to take the maid's place today."

He set down the tray on my table and I turned back to my novel.

"How are you today, Mel?"

"Just great Frankie. Being held captive by an ex lover has always been on my bucket list."

"It didn't have to be this way Mel. I put a lot of trust in you. You were the one who decided to break that trust."

"Excuse me, how about trusting someone not to wipe all of my memories from my brain?" I snapped.

"Are you ever going to forgive me for that? You realize I had to. It was for your safety too Mel. You had no reason to feel guilty for continuing to work at the SSR after I did that. I saved your career."

I snapped my book shut and looked at him.

"You didn't save me, you used me. Just leave me alone."

"Not until we talk."

He pulled up a chair next to mine and took a cigarette from his pocket.

"I've heard from some of my buddies back in Atlanta that your friends are looking for me. For you. They probably know where we are by now."

My heart fluttered. Was Jack really looking for me?

"Before you start celebrating, I want to remind you that if they find us, there will be serious consequences. If you try to direct them here or warn them of anything, I'll know."

He took a raspberry off my tray and popped it into his mouth.

"Always a pleasure to chat with you, Mel."

He smoothly headed over to the door, and I heard it click when he left. I was so angry. If he tried to hurt Jack, or anyone who was looking for would not end well for him.

I was just happy to hear that Jack still cared.

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