Chapter Fourteen

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Jack's POV

Jarvis had one of Howard's cars waiting for us when we reached the airport. We hopped in and drove to the hotel Peggy and Daniel were staying at. 

We entered the lobby and I spotted Daniel and Peggy sitting patiently at the bar. He had his hand on her thigh and she leaned towards him. 

Peggy looked up and saw Jarvis and I. Her cheeks reddened as she shoved off Daniel's hand. 

"Jarvis! And Jack! What a surprise!"

 "Yes, we met on the plane. Apparently Chief has had a change of heart."

 "I'm glad to hear it."

Peggy stood up and motioned for Daniel to do the same. She looked at me and smiled.

 "Shall we get going? We have narrowed it down to two different apartment complexes. Jarvis and I will take The Moon Apartment Complex, You guys take Harley's."

 Peggy and Jarvis took off which left me and Daniel walking behind them. 

"Someone was enjoying themselves before we showed up," I said, smirking. 

Daniel hit my arm and tried to cover his embarrassment. 

"Shut it, Jack."

Daniel and I grabbed a taxi and headed our way to the apartment complex.

 "So, why the sudden change in attitude Jack?" 

"I decided it was time to stop being a coward. It always held me back. Don't tell anyone I've said this." 

Daniel smiled and clapped me on the back.

 "Don't worry. I'm just glad you're coming to help."

We reached the apartment complex quickly. I paid the cab driver and hurried inside. We headed to the front desk at a rapid pace. 

"We need to find out where Frankie Russo's penthouse is."

 "I'm sorry sir, I'm not allowed to give out that information-" I whipped out my badge and slammed it on the desk. 

"Too bad. Now, where is Frankie Russo?"

Melody's POV

Frankie unlocked the door quickly and shoved me into the penthouse. I stumbled in and tried to regain my balance.

 "How dare you try and run after that incident at the vineyard. I guess you've always been a little snake," he spat.

 "Snake? You do you think you are-" 

I was interrupted with a hard slap against my cheek. I fell backwards against a table. I touched my cheek, he'd drawn blood. 

The merciless look returned to his eyes. He grabbed my necklace and choked me with it. 

"Not another fucking word out of you. I spared you before. Not anymore. He twisted my arm behind my back and forced me to walk towards the bedroom. I kicked and scratched him like a rabid animal, but he refused to falter.


He pushed me on the bed and pulled out his gun. I tried to protest but he just shoved the gun farther into my rib cage. 

I yelped from the pain of it.

 "Shut the fuck up before I blow you to hell."

 I was terrified. 

He pulled up my dress against my screaming. He then reached and unbuckled his belt. I fought as long as I could, but he was stronger than me. Especially when he was enraged. 

I was trapped.

Jack's POV

We argued with the lady but she still refused to say anything. I stormed away angrily and ran my fingers through my hair. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a maid looking nervously at me in the corner of the lobby. I approached her cautiously.

 "Are you looking for a young woman? Brown hair, green eyes?" 

I nodded. 

"Where is she? Do you know?" 

"I can't show you, or they'll hurt me. She's in penthouse 244. Go quickly, Frankie caught her trying to escape."

 I thanked her quietly and ran to meet Daniel.

 "It doesn't matter now, I got what I was looking for. You'll be arrested soon ma'am, and don't try to run. I've got agents coming."

 The lady looked flustered and angry. 

I talked into my radio to Peggy: "She's here Peg. Secure the perimeter. We're going after her."

We exited the elevator and ran to the door. The guards attempted to stop us but we took them out quickly. I pressed my ear against the door as Daniel snagged the keys from the unconscious guard. I heard yelling and my eyes widened. 

"Give me the damn keys quickly!" 

Daniel didn't protest and I unlocked the door in record time. We ran immediately to the bedroom and found Frankie on top of a screaming Melody. 

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" I yelled as I pulled Frankie off her.

 I slammed a hard punch into his cheek which sent him to the ground. I hit him repeatedly until Daniel pulled me off him.

 By this time Peggy and Jarvis had arrived. They took Melody out the room and escorted her down to the car. 

"Jack, go see Melody. I'll get this guy in cuffs and take him to the local station-" 

"No, he's coming back to New York. I want to deal with him." 

"Fine, just go. I'll make sure he gets shipped back to New York."

I nodded and left the room. I found Melody with Peggy and Jarvis leaning against the car. She'd calmed down but I saw her eyes brim with tears when she saw me. I couldn't help but rush over to her and pull her into me. 

"Are you hurt?" I whispered into her hair.

 "No, all thanks to you."

 I pulled her into my chest tighter and closed my eyes. 

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