Chapter Fifteen

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We had decided to stay in Atlanta for the night and leave tomorrow morning. I brought Melody to the front desk to help her get a hotel room.

 "I'm sorry Miss but we're all booked up. The next opening isn't for another few days."

 "Are you sure?"

 "Positive. We'd be happy to suggest a different hotel-"

 "No it's okay," I cut in, "she can stay with me." 

Melody gave me a weird look as I brought her to the elevator. We rode in silence and walked to my hotel room. 

"You can take the bed, I'll take the pullout." 

She looked at me for a moment silently. I avoided meeting her gaze. I already knew what was on her mind.


 "Yes?" I mumbled. 

"Can we talk about...everything?"

 "There's nothing to talk about."

 "You know there is. Let's just get it out there-" 

"I don't know anything Melody, and I certainly don't know you."

 Her voice began to rise as anger boiled in her. 

"You do know me! I would've been more honest if my brain hadn't been freaking wiped Jack by my ex-boyfriend!"

 "Oh yeah let's talk about that ex-boyfriend," I yelled. "The one you slept with!"

 "How dare you try to embarrass me for that! I'm sure you've been with some unfavorable people in your time!"

"Are you saying I pay whores to sleep with me?" 

"Are you saying I'm a whore?" 

I paused for a moment and recollected my thoughts.

 "I'm not saying anything Melody. I don't have to. From this moment on our relationship is purely professional, got it?"

 "Fine! And you know what, I don't have to stay here. I'll find another room. Goodbye!" she yelled while slamming the door.

Melody's POV

I couldn't believe him. One minute he's hugging me and offering his hotel room and the next he's calling me a slut. I marched angrily down the hallway and knocked on Peggy's door. 

"Melody, what are you doing? It's late-" 

"Jack kicked me out...actually I left. I couldn't stay in the same room as him-"

 I looked behind Peggy's shoulder and saw Daniel sitting in a chair. He waved awkwardly at me and fidgeted.

 "Oh um, sorry Peg.." I mumbled.

 Her cheeks flushed as she shot her gaze to the floor.

 "Sorry, I would offer you Daniel's hotel room but Jarvis took it."

 "It's okay, have fun," I said while smirking at Peggy. 

She hit me on the arm as I left.

I sighed and leaned against the door. I had no room for the night, oh well. I could make do. I headed down to the hotel bar and took a seat.

 "What can I get for you ma'am?" 


He nodded and went to fetch my drink. I scanned the bar, not another soul was awake at this hour. I'm surprised the bar was even open. He placed my drink in front of me and smiled. 

"Rough night ma'am?" 

"You could say that," I replied as I kicked my drink back. 

"Anything worth sharing? I'm always up for a good story." 

"Trust me, this one doesn't have the best of endings." 

He nodded politely and walked away.

I sat at the bar until the early light of morning shone in through the slatted windows. I was exhausted-at least I could sleep on the plane. I didn't bother waiting around for the group, Lord knows they probably would ask me to explain everything. 

I didn't have the energy for that right now. I hailed a cab and headed for the airport myself. Peggy had given me a ticket the night before, and I waited for my flight to board. When it did, I was relieved to see I had a window seat. 

The plane filled up quickly but the seat besides me was still empty. I heard voices in the front starting to rise so I looked up curiously.

"There has to be a mistake..I can't take that seat." 

"Why not sir?" 

"You wouldn't understand.."

 To my horror I saw it was Jack arguing with the flight attendant. I internally groaned and sunk farther into my seat. 

After another minute of Jack arguing he plopped down next to me.

 "I would say good morning but I can see you had a rough night." 

"Keep a lid on it Jack." 

He sighed and pulled out a newspaper.

I tried desperately to keep my eyes open, but after a half hour I fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt about Frankie on top of me, suffocating me.. I awoke, startled by my own thoughts.

 "You okay?" 

I realized I was resting on Jack's shoulder and shifted upright immediately. 

"I'm...fine," I said, trying to hide the tremble in my voice. 

Jack studied me closely. A soft look had come over his face.

 "Do you want to talk about...what he did to you?" 

"Not to you," I snapped.

His caring look vanished as he turned himself away from me. I wanted to talk to him about it so badly, to have him hold me and make me feel like nothing could ever come between us again.

 I couldn't.

 He couldn't have the satisfaction of knowing I still wanted him. I couldn't get off that flight fast enough. I stood in the terminal and waited for Jarvis who had promised to give me a lift home. 


I turned around and found Jack standing behind me. 


 His face was stern, but his eyes told a different story. 

"It's can take the rest of the day off." 

"Oh, okay. Thanks." 

He nodded and walked off. 

"Are you ready to go home Melody?" 

"Yes Jarvis, more than ready."

My apartment had a cold feeling when I walked in. I ran my fingers over my counter. Flashes of cooking with Jack filled my head.

 I had to get over this. He was. He didn't want me. 

He didn't want me. 

I laid in my bed and pulled the covers a little tighter than normal around me. I was terrified, so scared that Frankie was going to show up again. Usually I could handle my own, but I needed someone. 

I needed Jack.

 I grabbed my keys and left my apartment quickly. 

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