Chapter Eight

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Jack's POV

"Who let this idiot drive the car?" I yelled.

After we'd left the hotel, Howard had insisted on driving. He had no idea where he was going, and just as we were out of reach of civilization he totaled the car.

I kicked the flat tire angrily as I watched the hood smoke.

"How was I supposed to know the tree was there?" he sputtered.

"BY USING YOUR EYES!" we yelled in unison.

"That's it, I'm going to go find us help."

I started to walk down the dirt road angrily.

"Wait, Jack!" I heard Peggy yell behind me.

I stopped and turned around to face her.

"I'm coming with you."

I sighed as she fell in step beside me. We walked in silence for a moment while I felt her eyes on me.

"What is it, Carter?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about Melody."

"If you're here to have another feelings chat with me, save it. Your boyfriend already covered all of that."

"I just wanted to make sure you're alright. I know you and Melody didn't end things on good terms."

"You could say that," I scoffed.

I paused and looked at Peggy.

"She...lied to me. She knows something, and she didn't tell me. She supported me through my horror story, and I was planning on doing the same until she shut me out. I'm usually the one shutting people out."

"Maybe she just wasn't ready to spill her guts yet. You certainly weren't when you both first got together."

I knew Peggy was right, but something still made my stomach queasy.

"Do you think he's hurting her," I whispered, barely loud enough for Peggy to hear.

"I think she's okay. I know she is. If they truly have a past connection, I doubt he's doing anything extreme."

She put her hand on my back and we continued walking. I quickly shoved off her touch.

"You're making me all soft, Carter. Cut it out."

"I think Melody is the one making you soft. You lo-"

"Don't say it! And I do not."

Peggy smirked at me.

"It's okay, we all know it even if you don't yet."

Thank god someone had driven by our car wreck and given us a ride to the next town. We stopped and rented another car while the other one was getting fixed.

"Again guys, I have like a million cars. If you'd just asked this could've gone a lot smoother, and in more style," Howard said while looking disdainfully at our new ride.

"Just get in and stop protesting. Daniel, you're driving this time."

We took a break at a diner to grab coffee and talk over our plan once we arrived at the vineyard. \

"What can I get you folks?" the waitress said cheerfully.

"I'll take a black tea and a slice of blueberry pie please," Peggy said to the girl.

"Just coffee for me," added Daniel.

"I'll take a coffee and a tuna melt."

Howard sighed and put down his menu.

"Do you guys serve cocktails?"

Peggy kicked him under the table and he yelped.

"Fine, coffee and pie."

I took my coffee and stirred in some sugar, but I knew they were watching me weirdly.

"What is your problem guys?"

"You hate tuna, Jack."

"Melody likes tuna melts. She made me like them too."

Daniel nodded and sneaked a bite of Peggy's pie.

"So I talked to some locals, and they said the farmhouse is set a little ways away from the vineyard. I think we should split into two teams. While Daniel and Jack take care of Russo, Howard and I can free Melody. Is that clear?"

We nodded and gathered our belongings to leave.

"I'm coming for you Melody," I whispered to myself.

Melody's POV

I grew more anxious everyday that passed by with no action. I was never one to sit and wait, but I was afraid if I attempted to escape again I'd put Jack's life in danger.

I tried to gather information from the maids, but they were often too flustered to comply. Frankie had come to visit each day, but I refused to indulge him for long.

A part of me still cared for his well-being, but I was definitely not in love with him anymore. He was not the man my teenage-self fell in love with all those years ago.

The innocent, young boy I knew was stolen away into greed and power.

Another man had my heart now, but I didn't know if he wanted it after our argument. That night I was laying in bed when I heard a scuffle outside my window.

I quickly put on my robe and ran over to see what was going on. I pressed my face against the bars of my window and saw four shadowy figures down below.

Was it Jack?

I could barely contain my excitement and worry. If it was them coming to break me out, I had to be ready. I got dressed quickly and grabbed a metal candlestick from my bedside table.

I slipped back under the covers and waited to be sprung.

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