Chapter Eighteen

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A few weeks later Daniel and Peggy had decided to throw a proper engagement party in a private section of an Italian restaurant. It was a formal event, so I put on an emerald evening dress with a tasteful leg slit and paired it with my best diamond jewelry. 

I painted my lips red and grabbed a white fur shawl to finish the look. Angie offered to drive me to the event and pulled into the parking lot outside my house a few minutes later.

 "Wow southern belle, you look stunning!"

 I smiled and blushed. Angie was dressed very classy as well. She had on a gold evening dress paired with pearls. 

"You look gorgeous too Angie."

 "Thanks, I saved up for weeks to buy this dress. I figured it was time to get myself a gift."

 We arrived at the restaurant and the valet parked Angie's car.

We were escorted to the private dining room and ran into Peggy almost immediately.

 "Wow, you girls look amazing!!" 

"You too Peg!" we chimed in unison. 

"Dinner is being served shortly, until then feel free to mingle around. There's name cards on the tables to help with seating."

 Angie and I continued around the room, arms linked. 

"I don't know about you but I see some eligible dance partners here." 

I laughed at Angie. She always acted like a love-sick teenager. 

"Oo, don't look now Mel but that blondie has his eyes on you again."

 I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Jack looking me up and down. He was chatting with Daniel near the bar.

I pulled Angie in his direction. She began to protest but I cut her off. 

"Nonsense, I'm not scared to face him." 

We started walking in their direction confidently.

Jack's POV

As Melody approached I couldn't help but linger on her leg slit. My knees felt weak watching her walk towards me. 

"Looks like you've got your hands full tonight Jack," Daniel said, smirking.

 "Hello boys," Melody said sweetly. "You both know Angie." 

"Hey Angie, thanks for coming. Peggy is thrilled to have you here."

 "I wouldn't miss it for the world, even if it means working a double shift tomorrow." 

A waiter passed by and Melody grabbed Angie and herself a glass of champagne.

 "Oh that reminds me Angie, Peggy wanted your opinion on something. Would you come with me?" 


"Daniel don't leave me here," I whisper-yelled. 

"You're fine, just chat," he whispered back.

They walked off and left Melody and I standing together. 

"Is it hot in here to you Jack?" 

She pressed her cold glass of champagne against her collarbone and tilted her head back slightly. 

"I'm burning up." 

I gulped loudly and fiddled with my hair nervously.

 "Something wrong Jack?"

 "N-no," I stuttered. 

To my relief, Peggy clinked her glass and asked everyone to be seated. I found my seat quickly and glanced at the name cards. 

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