Chapter Thirteen

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Jack's POV

Daniel and Peggy had left for Atlanta a day and a half ago. A part of me felt guilty for not going with them, but I had an office to run.

 A job I valued...which I would've lost if it wasn't for Melody. 

I sighed and tried to concentrate on my paperwork. Agent Johnson knocked at my door just when I'd enveloped myself in a new case. 

"Hey Boss, a letter came in the mail for Peggy. It's from Atlanta. Should I just leave it on her desk?" 

My ears perked up when I heard the word Atlanta. 

"No, give it to me." 

"Are you sure? Peggy doesn't like when people look through her mail.."

 "Did I ask what Carter likes?" I snapped. 

He shook his head as his eyes got wide. 

"N-no sir. H-here." 

He set the letter down hastily down on my desk and left.

I skimmed over the address and grabbed my letter opener. With one swift move I opened the envelope and tore out the letter. The letter contained an address for an apartment building. 

It was in Melody's handwriting.

 My hand shook slightly. She was asking for help, and where was I?

 Acting like a coward. 

I couldn't believe I'd let my anger cover the fact that Melody was being held against her will. I was back at the office because I was scared to face her again. What idiot does that? I stood up quickly and grabbed my coat.

 "Johnson!" I yelled.


 "I'm leaving town. Don't burn down the office."

Flight 34 is boarding now.

I anxiously boarded the plane and headed for my seat. When I sat down, a familiar face glanced at me. 


 "Hello Chief." 

"What are you doing on a flight to Georgia?" 

"I believe the same as you. Peggy told me she needed assistance in finding Melody. Howard couldn't make it this time, so I decided to fill in." 

I nodded and absorbed the information. 

"Chief, why didn't you go when Peggy and Daniel left?"

 "I was...working through some stuff. Then I decided to stop being a wuss and get my act together."

 "I'm sure Ms.Brown will appreciate that."

Jarvis turned away from me and looked out the window. I took this as a cue for me to be quiet for a while. 

I'm sorry Jack, I've hurt you enough. I can't ruin your career as well. 

Melody's words played over and over in my mind. When I was in those restraints, all I wanted to do was reach out and hold her. 

I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I was falling for her. 


How could I trust her again? She was a double agent. She dated a mobster. She was law enforcement's worst nightmare. My brain was ping-ponging in my head. I couldn't let her in again, even if I was in love with her. 

I made that mistake once, I wouldn't make it again.

Melody's POV

Frankie hadn't been to the penthouse for a couple days now. I had been pouring all my time into figuring out how to open the vent. 

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