Chapter Eleven

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Jack's POV

I heard the door close again and I couldn't control my emotions any longer. Angry tears spilled from my eyes. I was ashamed that I had been defeated so easily, that I had trusted Melody so easily. 

Every time I let someone in, they rip me apart. She broke down my walls, and now I had to rebuild them even higher. 

"Melody!" I yelled once again, but by now I knew she was gone.

It must've been morning because I heard the door unlock and the light come sputtering to life. Two guards came down the stairs and grabbed my arms. They dragged me up the stairs and out to a truck. 

They opened the door and threw me inside. I sat up and found Peggy, Daniel, and Howard beside me. They must've tranquilized them. Another guard opened the door and shoved a needle in my arm. 

I tried to keep my eyes open but soon I joined the other's fates.

"Jack? Can you hear us?" 

My head was hurting terribly. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Peggy and Daniel looking down at me.

 "Where are we?" I mumbled. 

"Back in New York. They dumped us in an alley behind the liquor store you saw Melody go into. Howard called Jarvis and he picked us up and brought us back to the SSR office."

 I sat up slowly and realized I was in a room with beds for when we had to pull late nights.

"What happened when we got separated Jack?" Daniel asked me. 

"They dragged me into the basement and gave me my black eyes. Then Russo brought Melody down. He told me about Melody's past.." I trailed off. "He knows about my secret. He threatened to ruin me if Melody didn't go back to Atlanta with him." 

"He blackmailed her? We have to go after her!" Peggy exclaimed.

 I swung my legs over the bed and stood up. 

"I'm not going anywhere. She's a traitor. She can get herself out of this one." 

"Are you really that egotistical Jack? She saved your career. Whatever she may have done in the past, she's changed. Now she needs our help. I don't know about you boys but I'm going after her." Peggy stormed out of the room and to her desk.

"I know she hurt you Jack, but that doesn't change the fact that she's being held captive by a lunatic mobster. Melody's in danger. We have to go back and help her." 

"You don't understand Daniel. I was honest with her. Yes, it took me a little to share my past but I did. She just...refused to share anything."

"Let's just focus on getting her back, and then I'm sure you guys can work out whatever issues you have."

 "I'm not going. You and Peggy can handle this one." 

"Are you serious?"

 I looked at the ground and didn't answer. Daniel huffed angrily. 

"Fine. I'm leaving."

 Daniel exited and walked over towards Peggy. I overheard them talking about their plans to leave for Atlanta.

 "I called Jarvis and he's coming to drive us back. From there if we look around some more lounges..." 

I zoned out and went back to my desk. I couldn't face Melody again, even if she needed my help. 

Not now, not ever.

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