Chapter Nine

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Jack's POV

"Okay, everyone just stick to the plan. Daniel and I will head towards the back entrance while you two handle the front. Be safe, eyes up."

Peggy nodded and her and Howard scurried off into the dark. I eyed the house warily-it certainly was big. Did Melody like extravagance like this? I certainly didn't have all this.

"C'mon Jack, this is no place to stop."

I hurried after Daniel as we approached the back entrance. Melody had given me a set of lock picks and I took them out of my pocket. I looked at them fondly before setting to work on the door.

It popped open a moment later with a small squeak. I pulled out my revolver and Daniel did the same.

"Let's see if we can find a study or parlor. He might be in one of those."

We walked through a large kitchen and then some small hallways. The house was like a maze once inside. There were many twisting routes and rooms and smaller staircases. It was definitely a mobster's home.

We were heading down a hallway when I saw a load of pictures on the wall. I scanned them curiously, but I stopped short when my eyes found a certain picture.

It was a young girl and boy dancing and smiling. I assumed it was Frankie, but the girl's face was foggy. I quickly realized whose green eyes and brown hair were in that picture.


All the pieces seemed to be falling into place.

"Do you really think she was with this guy Russo?" Daniel asks.

Anger boiled in my stomach. This is what she was hiding. This was the abusive boyfriend. How could she be with someone like him? I was angry at him and Melody.

"If this is all true, I really don't know her like I thought I did." I told him.

I turned away from the photo and continued down the hall. We stopped again when I heard voices coming from a room a few feet away.

I cocked my gun and motioned for Daniel to follow suit. I reached for the door handle and twisted it open quickly. We found Frankie Russo sitting at a desk and talking on the phone. I pointed my gun intently on him as he hung up the phone.

This time when he looked at me, there was passion in his eyes. He stared deep into me, trying to study me.

I could tell he hated me.

"Alright, where is she?"

"Chief Thompson, how nice of you to barge into my home and get involved with my private affairs. Cigar?"

He mockingly held out a cigar for us, but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it out of his hand.

"I said, where the hell is she?"

"Don't be so aggressive Thompson. It doesn't suit you."

Daniel decided to give talking a try.

"Look, we've got more agents here. You've been caught. It's in your best interest just to tell us where Agent Melody Brown is."

Russo took a sip of brandy and studied Daniel's face.

"I assume these other agents...are in the house as well?"

Daniel said nothing.

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me. I already know. At this point they've probably found where I'm keeping Melody and are attempting to open the locked door. Or they're on the roof trying to break down the bars on the windows."

I gritted my teeth and stuck my gun in his rib cage.

"I swear to God if you've hurt her in any way-"

"Hurt her?" he cut in. "Now why would I do such a thing to someone I care about very much? You aren't the only man in her life now, Thompson. And trust me, judging by your suit it isn't much of a competition."

I swung a hard punch into his stomach. He doubled over but gained his composure quickly.

"That was a mistake."

Suddenly I felt a hand around my neck. Someone grabbed Daniel as well. I struggled to gain air. The last thing I saw was Russo smiling smugly at me before I lost consciousness.

Melody's POV

I twiddled my thumbs anxiously until I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Melody? Are you in there?" I heard Peggy whisper.

Relief washed over me as I hurried to the door.

"Yes, it's me!" I whisper-yelled back. "The door is locked, you'll need a key Peg."

"Don't worry," I heard a voice say, "I brought some tools along. You'll want to step back Miss Brown."

I didn't recognize the voice but I did what I was told.

A moment later the door was flung open. Into the room stepped Peggy and someone I knew only from the papers.

"Melody! I'm so glad to see you're safe. Allow me to introduce-"

"Howard Stark. It's a great pleasure," Howard cut in.

He looked me up and down and licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Peggy.

"Where's Jack? Or Daniel?" I quickly added.

"They're taking care of Russo as we speak. Did he hurt you?"

"Not exactly," I replied.

"I think you owe us an explanation once we get you out of here."

I nodded and smiled.

"I know. I will. Let's just get the boys and leave. There's guards everywhere."

We exited the room quietly and Peggy handed me a revolver. We reached the stairs and looked around hastily before heading downstairs. Once we were down the staircase, I glanced around the corner to check for guards.

"The coast is clear," I whispered.

We had almost reached the front door before Frankie and his goons stepped out from behind a corner.

"Going somewhere Mel?"

"Just leave me be, Frankie."

I was fuming but I tried to control my tone.

"We have other agents-" Peggy started.

"I know. Currently those brooding fools have guns to their heads in the other room. One false move and I'll blow their brains out. We wouldn't want that now would we?"

I felt angry tears start to form in my eyes. Peggy looked at me and dropped her weapon to the ground. Howard did the same. I gave Frankie one last look before dropping my weapon down in defeat.

Frankie had dragged Peggy and Howard away before escorting me back to my room.

"Better luck next time," he said before closing the door.

I was so angry with him. I let out one sob before projecting my anger into trashing my room. I threw vases and books and clothes until the room looked as if a tornado had passed through. I was so exhausted from everything that I fell into a deep sleep.

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