Chapter Twenty-Two

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The rest of the day I spent with Jack. We walked through the streets of the city as I windowshopped. The chilly later November air tingled my nose and made me long for the warmth of Jack's bed.

"You know Jack, Christmas is coming very soon. What do you usually do for the holidays?"

"Well my mom was the one who hosted holidays in my family. When she passed...we kind of stopped getting together. I'll go drop by my father sometimes, but he's grown bitter since my mom passed away. My sister rarely comes home now. She has a family of her own to spend Christmas with. Her and my dad don't get along either, I'm not quite sure why."

I nodded sadly until a grand idea popped into my head.

"What if we hosted Christmas?"

"Are you serious?"

"Why not? I'd love to meet your father. Maybe then I can figure out how you became so stubborn."

Even though I cracked a joke, Jack wasn't smiling. His lips had curled into a frown and his brows furrowed.

"What's wrong Jack? Do you not want me to meet your family?"

"No it's not that, it's just...they're a rough bunch. We all have pretty strong personalities and they clash. My sister and dad can barely stand to be in the same room together."

I squeezed his hand and looked up at him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. You don't think they would get together, even if you asked?"

"I doubt it."

I gave Jack puppy dog eyes and he sighed.

"Fine, I'll try for you."

I smiled and dragged Jack into a department store.

"What are we doing here?"

"If I remember correctly, someone ruined my favorite work skirt last night because they were...impatient. You have to buy me a new one."

"Alright Brown, but you better not dip too far into my bank account."

Jack's POV

While Melody picked out a new skirt, I trailed lazily behind her. It felt like we'd been in that department store for ages. She refused to pick between two almost identical skirts.

"They're practically the same skirt, just choose one!" I groaned.

"You're free to go look around Jack."

I sighed and headed for the aisle next to the one Melody was in. I stopped when I spotted the lingerie. Just to make her turn red I picked up a set and walked back over to Melody.

"Hey Mel, I think this is what you're looking for."

"Jack! Put that away!"

She swatted the set out of my hand and hurried to put it back on the rack.

I laughed heartily as she tried to recover from the scene I'd made.

"Now who's shy?"

She gave me a dirty look and picked a skirt.

"C'mon playboy, let's go ring up."

I walked Melody back to her apartment as the sun was setting.

"Why can't you just stay over at my place again?"

"As nice as that would be, I need a change of clothes and a proper night's sleep. I have a feeling you would keep me up."

She unlocked her door and gasped when she stepped inside.

I peeked over her shoulder and my jaw dropped. She'd been robbed. Her apartment was a complete mess.

There were papers everywhere, glass broken, and an open window. I whipped out my revolver and pushed Melody behind me. I crept inside slowly, turning every corner carefully.

"I think they're gone," Melody breathed.

"I think you're right."

I put my revelover away and began to help Melody clean up.

"What do you think they were looking for?"

"I'm not sure, maybe something connected to Frankie. His associates may not like how involved I was in his death..."

Her voice trailed off into silence.

"Hey Melody, you're safe. Russo is gone. From the sounds of it his associates weren't happy about his actions leading up to his death. I doubt they're after you."

"Then who Jack? Someone thinks I have something they want. Something they think maybe Frankie gave to me."

I looked around some more until I found a white lace glove laying on the ground. Gingerly, I picked up the glove and turned to Melody.

"Mel, is this yours?"

She shook her head and took the glove.

"I've never owned a glove like this. It must've been left by the burglar."

"Look Melody until we catch whoever did this, I don't feel safe leaving you here. You're coming to stay with me."

"I don't want to burden you Jack."

"I want you with me. That's a direct order from your superior Brown."

"Yes sir, I'll go pack a bag."

While Melody got ready to leave I took out a small camera Howard had given me and took pictures of the crime scene.

I took Melody back to my apartment and helped her get settled in.

"Look, I even cleared some space in my drawer for your stuff."

She smiled and began unpacking. I went to take a shower and when I came out I found her curled on my favorite side of the bed.

I didn't bother moving her, if she liked it then it was hers.

Quietly, I slipped into bed next to her and curled my body around hers. I wanted to end every night like this, laying beside her. My heart swelled as she snuggled back into me.

Whoever was after her, I would protect her.

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