Chapter Sixteen

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Jack's POV

It was late, but I couldn't sleep. Nothing felt right anymore. I was so hurt and angry. I imagine Melody felt the same way. I heard a knock on my door and swung it open, assuming it was one of my neighbors. 

I was shocked when I saw Melody. I got ready to tell her to go away before she cut me off.

 "I know you're angry at me but I.." 

Her eyes were distraught. My anger softened when I looked at her.

 "I can't be alone. I'm..." 

"What?" I murmured. 

"Scared," she peeped.

Without a word I moved from the doorframe and let her in. She set her purse down gingerly and walked over to the couch. I sat down but kept my distance. 

"What if he comes after me again?" 

Her puppy dog eyes would be the death of me.

 I slid closer to her and put my arm cautiously around her. 

"He won't. I promise you. He's going to pay for what he did."

 She nodded as a small tear slid down her cheek. I brushed it away and rubbed my thumb along her jawline.

She curled against my chest.

 I let her. 

I brushed back her hair and admired her profile. Even with the exhaustion painted on her face she was still the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. 

I placed a small kiss on her head and watched her fall asleep.

Melody's POV

When I woke up Jack wasn't in the apartment. I assumed last night was a one time thing for him. He probably just pitied me. 

Peggy and Daniel smiled at me as I entered the office. It had been weeks since I'd sat down at my desk. 

"It's good to have you back Melody."

 "It feels great being back." 

I glanced at Jack's office. His blinds were drawn. I sighed and flipped open a file. He came out of his office a little while later. He didn't even glance at me. 


I could be just as cruel.

 "Have you two talked?" Peggy whispered to me.

 "Barely. We're done, though." 

"I'm sure that's not the case. You should've seen how upset Jack was when you were taken."

 "I'm touched, but it's not going to happen. He's made that pretty clear."

 "Don't give up Melody. If I'd given up on Daniel well, we certainly wouldn't be engaged." 

My eyes widened as Peggy pulled off the gloves she was wearing. I gasped excitedly when I saw the ring.

 "Oh my gosh Peggy! And Daniel!! Congrats!!"

 Daniel walked over and snaked his arm around Peggy's waist. Some other agents came around to congratulate them. 

"Thank you guys. You're all invited." 

"When did he do it? Was it romantic?" I pressed.

 Peggy laughed and smiled at Daniel. 

"Actually he did while in Atlanta. Out in the street after a really wonderful dinner under the stars." 

"Peggy!! That's wonderful!! How sweet Daniel!" I gushed. 

"I know, I'm pretty good at setting the perfect tone."

"Wow Sousa, you're starting to sound like a woman."

 "Is that a congratulations I hear Jack?" Daniel replied. 

"I guess so. Congrats man." 

Jack clapped him on the back and smiled. I noticed Jack finally glance at me. Was he also thinking about the time I wore his family's ring? 

I focused on Peggy again as she laid out in detail the night he proposed. 

"I think this calls for a drink!" one of the agents exclaimed.

 "After work I'll buy a round for everyone," Daniel replied.

After the commotion everyone returned to their desks. I continued chatting with Peggy until a familiar figure approached us. 

"As happy as I am for you Carter, there's work to be done. You too Brown."

 "Someone's a mood killer," I mumbled under my breath.

 "Did you say something Brown?"

 "No sir, how could I defy the almighty Chief's wishes!" 

He turned back to me with an annoyed expression.

 "My office. Now."

 I sighed and got up from my seat. 

"Good luck," Peggy whispered.

Jack slammed the door after me and leaned against his desk.

 "You know I'm really getting tired of you not respecting the fact that I'm an authority figure here. I'm your boss for God's sake."

 I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Sorry I don't follow your every command like the other ass-kissing agents."

 "If we're going to continue working together Agent Brown then here's the rules. You need to get your act together and listen more often. Until then, you're off field work."

 "What? You can't do that-" 

"I can, and I just did." 

I stood there fuming in his office. 

"I think you're jealous."

 "Of what?"

 "Daniel. And Peggy. That's why you're acting all tough with me right now. You're upset because for once someone is not putting their full attention on you."

"That's ridiculous," he scoffed. 

"You sure? I bet you wished it was us." 

"Just leave my office Brown," Jack said quietly. 

I left without another word. 

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