Chapter Seventeen

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After work the whole office went out for drinks to celebrate Peggy and Daniel's engagement. 

"Melody, I wanted to introduce you to one of my friends. This is Angie Martinelli. She works at the automat I like to grab coffee at."

 "Nice to meet you Angie." 

"Nice to meet you too Mel. You sound southern. I'm gonna call you southern belle." 

Peggy and I laughed and continued our conversation with Angie. 

"Sorry to interrupt your chat, but I was wondering if I could steal my fiance away for a dance." 

"Oh of course Daniel," I replied, smiling.

I watched the engaged couple dance happily. 

"So, who's the hunk that's been staring at you the whole night?"

 "I don't know what you're talking about Angie." 

"Oh c'mon southern belle! That blondie over there has been stealing looks at you since I arrived." 

I glanced over and quickly Jack averted his eyes. 

"It's just Jack. Harmless glances is all they are." 

"I don't believe you. I can tell you two have a history. Spill it!" 

I sighed and filled Angie in the past few months. 

"Wow, that's a messy story."

 "To say the least." 

"Well, I can tell he's still very into you." 

"If only that were true."

A few minutes later Angie was whisked away by a young man named Johnny to dance. I said a quiet goodbye to Peggy and headed for the door. Before I managed to leave Jack grabbed my arm.

 "So, what were you two ladies gossiping about?"

 "None of your business Chief."

 "Were you two talking about me?" 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Don't be so self-absorbed Jack. Now if you'll release my arm I'm going to leave." 

He dropped his grip and watched me leave.

Jack's POV

When I got home I couldn't stop worrying if Melody got home safe. I was too afraid to call, so I had Peggy do it. 

"I just got off the phone with Melody. She's fine. Happy now?" 

"I just wanted to make sure," I replied gruffly. 

"Stop beating around the bush Jack. You care. She does too. It's breaking her heart not being with you. I can tell it's having the same effect on you." 

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not going to date a double agent. She's lucky I haven't fired her." 

"And you're lucky not to be out on the street without a job. You two are even. Just, think about it Jack." 

Peggy hung up the phone shortly after.

The next few days at the office were torture. Frankie Russo was coming in to be interrogated, and I didn't know how to break the news to Melody. Maybe if I could send her out on a mission for the day, or make her take a sick day... A knock came onto my door and Melody peaked her head in. 

"Are you busy?"

 "No, come in."

 "I just have some new case files for you to look at," she said while placing them on my desk. 

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