Chapter Six

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Jack's POV

We arrived at the hotel in Atlanta shortly after leaving the airport. Howard's room was across the hall from mine, Peggy's was two doors down, and Daniel's room was next door.

I put my bag away and heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and found Daniel outside.

"So, Howard and Peggy have decided to look around the city and see if they could find out where Russo likes to spend his nights."

"What did she leave for us to do?"

"To go to the bar and try a signature Georgia cocktail," Daniel said, smiling.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer, Sousa."

"So," Daniel said while sipping his drink, "Are you planning on making amends with Melody after we find her?"

"This is purely professional, Sousa. She's an agent, one of our own. We have to go after her. As Chief I have to make sure my subordinates are out of harm's way."

"Jack, cut the bull. We all know you have a vested interest in finding Melody. It's okay to admit you have more than a stone-cold heart."

I sighed and looked at Daniel.

"Don't let that spread around. I need to maintain my image."

I straightened my suit and Daniel chuckled.

"Wow, she must really have a hold on you. You get so flustered when you talk about her."

"Yes, because she drives me crazy."

"Drives you crazy in the best ways possible, I bet."

"When did you get so perceptive, Daniel? Oh I know, you've been hanging out with the women in our office for too long. Get it together, Sousa."

I kicked my drink back and stood up.

"I don't know about you but I'm over this little feelings chat. Let's go get some actual work done."

Later that evening Daniel and I met Peggy and Howard in the lounge of the hotel.

"Did you get any leads on Russo?" Daniel asks.

"Yes, we found out he likes to spend his Saturday nights at a new bar men's lounge called Tommy's Cigars and Lounge."

"Yeah, it's a pretty classy place. Definitely my type of crowd," Howard added.

"So your crowd is drug lords and mobsters?"

"I guess so," he replied.

I put my head in my hands and shook my head.

"How did you get excused from being arrested?"

Peggy and Daniel chuckled at our little exchange.

"So, our plan for tomorrow night is for Howard to get Daniel and I into the lounge so we can search for Russo. Peggy, you'll be on backup duty and wait in the car for us. Got it?"

Peggy and Daniel nodded their heads, but Howard hesitated.

"What's wrong, Howard?" I said, exasperated.

"It's not very flashy. I'd prefer if-"

"This is not about you Howard," I cut in.

He leaned back in his chair and furrowed his brows.

"Fine, I'll play along. Just this once."

Melody's POV

After our talk in the gardens, I knew I had to escape. I was still on the radar at this point, but if I waited any longer Frankie might sweep me away to somewhere no one has a chance of finding.

During dinner I had played along with his conversation and jokes and excused myself after dessert.

I waited till I saw the lights in the hallway turn off, and for the lamps outside to sputter to life.

I quietly opened the window and stuck my head out into the breezy air. I squinted into the dark and noted where the guards were posted.

There were two in front of the entrance to the house, two below my window, and another three by the garage. I assumed there were more scattered throughout the vineyard, so I had to be on high alert.

I slipped onto the roof below my second-story window and made sure to stay hidden in the shadows. The guards looked half-awake, so hopefully this would be an easy take down.

I took a deep breath and counted down from five in my head. I dropped down onto the first guard's shoulders and sent an uppercut to knock him out.

I swiped my feet under the other guard's legs and sent him tumbling down. I pulled out of my purse some lipstick Peggy had given me and swiped a little on my lips.

Kissing him made him fall into a deep sleep. I stood up and headed off into the vineyard. My best bet for escaping would be to sneak through the grape vines and over the far south wall.

Knowing the landscape was working in my favor. If I could just make it to the wall... I stopped and ducked down when I heard voices.

It was Frankie, and he was meeting with another man.

"Look I told you Melody won't be a problem. This is just something personal I need to take care of. I'll be back in Atlanta soon enough. Tell boss that."

"He's not too happy with you taking all this time off. He wants you back at the club tomorrow night."

Frankie sighed and ran his hands through his slicked hair.

"I'm sorry, I can't tomorrow. My business will be done by the end of the week. I'll be back then. Trust me."

"Speaking of women, the blondie is still pestering your boys about the jewels. She wants the loot and she wants it soon."

"I already told her that loot is reserved for someone else. She'll just have to stop expecting me to tell her where it is."

The man nodded and stalked off into the dark and left Frankie alone.

A blond asking for jewels? I wasn't aware Frankie traded anything other than drugs. My thoughts distracted me and caused a twig to snap under my foot.

Frankie's ears perked up and he turned in my direction. My heart rate sped up and he pulled out his revolver and slowly walked towards the vines I was hiding behind. He stood only a foot away from me, and I knew I had to attack.

I jumped out of the shadows and tackled Frankie to the ground. I managed to knock the revolver out of his hand before he flipped me over and pinned my arms to the ground.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I'm getting the fuck away from you."

With that I flipped him over and pinned his arms like he'd done to me.

"Oh wow, now it feels like that night from so long ago. You straddled on me-"

I slapped him in the face and quickly got off of him.

I scrambled for the gun and pointed it right into his chest.

"Let me go Frankie or I'll shoot you again. This time, I won't miss your heart."

He wiped the blood from his mouth and laughed quietly.

"Well you certainly didn't lose your fire."

Just then I heard a gun click behind me, and then another. I turned around slowly and saw I was surrounded by his guards.

"Shoot me and they shoot you. Now put the gun down, Mel."

Defeated, I dropped the gun into the dirt. The guards grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back.

"Take her to her new room. Make sure her stuff is confiscated too."

I shot daggers at Frankie, but he didn't flinch. T

hey dragged me off, and my plan had failed.

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