Chapter Two

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Melody's POV

I slowly woke up out of my slumber with a stiff neck and blurry vision.

I shook my head and realized I was tied to a chair in a comfortable looking parlor. I struggled profusely to break free but I failed miserably.

Whoever tied me knew my tricks.

My thoughts quickly went to Jack. Did he know by now? I assumed it was the next day and I knew that I was expected at the office. Maybe he didn't bother questioning my whereabouts after last night. He was probably still angry with me.

I tried to replay the previous evening, but I couldn't remember anything that happened after the man had whispered in my ear.

You can't run from your past.

What did they mean by that? What was I running from?

Jack's POV

Daniel and Peggy quickly decided that we should head to Melody's apartment to check on her. Jarvis met us outside the SSR office and then we went to find Melody.

"Does anyone remember her apartment number? I have seemed to forgotten..."

"It's apartment 129. South building."

Everyone turned to look at me but I quickly averted my eyes.

"Alright then, number 129 it is."

When Jarvis parked I was the first one out of the car.

"I'll wait down here with the car," Jarvis called after us.

Peggy nodded at him and then her, Daniel, and I headed inside.

"Do you know where she keeps her spare key Jack?"

I shot him a dirty look.

"Why would I know where her key is?"

"You knew where her apartment was." Daniel mumbled.

I sighed and began looking under the doormat.

Before I had time to check anywhere else, Peggy swiftly kicked down the door. Daniel and I shot her a surprised look.

"What? We needed to get in."

Once inside we began searching her different rooms.

"Her bed is made and her keys are nowhere to be found. I don't think she even came home last night," Peggy said while chewing her lip.

"I think you're right, Peg. Did anyone happen to see if her car was parked outside?"

Peggy and I shook our head at Daniel. That's when a very disturbing thought came into my head.

"What's wrong Jack? You look as if you saw a ghost," Daniel asks.

"Last the club..."

"What? What did you see?"

I leaned against her kitchen counter and tried to steady myself.

"When I stepped outside I saw a Muntz car driving down the street. I tried to follow it but when I reached the corner where it turned it was nowhere to be seen."

"Wait, isn't that the type of car Frankie Russo was seen getting into?"

"Yeah, Daniel, it is."

We all sprang into motion and headed out of the apartment to meet Jarvis outside. I took one last look around her place before shutting the door.

We directed Jarvis to the nightclub and soon found that Melody's car was still parked in the lot.

"Dammit, I knew my suspicions were true. I think Russo has Melody," Peggy concluded.

I could barely steady my breathing. My worst fear had come true.

Melody had been taken.

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