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Averys POV

So far everything has been the same, except for literally everyone knowing who I am and what I do. A lot of people asked me to sit with them in class or in lunch. I'm flattered but I don't really know them that well.

My first day was crazy though. After everything that happened this summer I'm sure they know. Some look at me like I'm Kim Kardashian and others simply don't care.

It's been two weeks and it's just starting to settle down. I usually spend the week days here and weekends in LA. It's exhausting and I asked if I can have at least this school year to myself. Of course I got what I wanted.

I was laying in bed just staring at the ceiling waiting for time to go by. It's Saturday so I have no reason to be awake right now but I just couldn't go back to sleep. I can't even go to my balcony and go into Kairis room anymore. All I have is trees and a lake next to me.

I walked over to my shared bathroom and went into Marianos room. He was also awake doing the same thing I was doing.

"Wanna go for a ride?" I asked him. He jumped up and immediately got dressed in sweats to leave with me. I did the same and waited for him out in my car.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he buckled up his seatbelt. I had a tight grip on the wheel as I focused on my breathing.

"Wherever the car leads me.."

"Is there something you want to talk about?" He asked. I shook my head and continued driving. We listened to the music that was on the radio and just looked out the windows. It was 8 am and the roads were clear.

"We've been driving for like an hour Avery come on."
I found myself driving all the way to Long Island. I didn't know where I was or why I drove all the way over here but there was a park down the street so I went there.

"How's senior year treating you?"

"It's fine nothing stressful yet." I said.

"No ones bothering you? Do I have to beat up any boys for you?" I laughed and shook my head no.

"I am crushing though. You know Hector Diaz?" I hope he doesn't get all big brother on me.

"Oh I see. You got a type. You like the guys with nests on their head?" He chuckled. I playfully pushed him and kept the conversation going.

"You have the same hairstyle so shut up. But I don't know it's probably just a small crush and it'll go away but we've been texting since school started. He actually texted me the second day of school and we have so much in common. We hung out over the summer and I think that's when he started liking me."

"Just be careful Avery."

It was windy and all the trees were moving with the wind, so was the water. It was a calm scenery, a little cold but nothing I couldn't handle. I took a deep breath in with my eyes closed and thought about every negative thing in my life. I exhaled and pretended I was letting go of them.

"So what did you do in LA last weekend?" Mar asked while we picked up a rock and threw in the water.

"I was meeting with a record label. They saw my covers on my youtube and the video of me singing my original on our last show in France." I smiled while thinking about it. That day was probably the best day of the life. It felt truly magical to stand in front of so many people and just sing. The Eiffel Tower was also in the back which made me feel like I was on top of the world. Literally had the best view.

Flashback to the last day of CreatorCon France

"I'm gonna puke.." I looked at Aileen and Emily with terror in my eyes.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now