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CAN WE JUST TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO SEE HOW FINE SHE IS?? my insecurities went ⬆️📈📈📈

Skipping a few
- shes back on tour (9 days in)
- her and mattia are seeing each other in two days

Averys POV
I've done three shows in France so far and the audience here is so much more magical. I love looking out and see the flashing bracelets, the flashlights, and hearing them sing with me.

"That was the loudest I've ever heard them." Vic said while closing our hotel door. I nodded agreeing with her. I looked out of our huge window and watched the Eiffel Tower.

"This is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen." I said to myself.

"Second most." A voice said from behind. I turned around and ran up to Aileen and Kairi.

"I went to all three shows and still get starstruck every time." Kairi said handing me a bouquet of flowers.

I have two more days until we go to Spain and I see Mattia again.

"So what'd you think of the pieces?" She asked me with hope in her eyes. 

"Aileen, they're stunning. I cant wait to walk my first runway tomorrow." I can't help but feel a bit pressured. It has to go perfect. Versace, Givenchy, and Chanel...

They both left after saying goodnight but I could still hear Kairis loud laugh from the other side of the door.

I went into the shower and put the water to be hot. While undressing I got a message from Mattia.

message from
i was going through my pictures and found
one of you with my kids on your lips

i changed it to your contact photo 🥰

you do too much 😭

lmaoo imy baby

i miss you too but we're gonna see
each other soon so

yeah i'm excited
i made reservations at this nice ass restaurant for us

cant wait ❤️

I set my phone on silent then hopped in the shower. Thoughts of these past shows rolled into my mind. It did upset me that I couldn't do meet and greets but probably for my next tour, if there is a next tour.

The water slowly came down to its last drop and I stepped out. I picked up my clothes from the floor and walked over to my bed with my robe on.

I threw myself on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I tried closing my eyes to fall asleep, I had a big day tomorrow. But I couldn't. I could only hear all the fun happening outside my door but I didn't want to join. I wanted to be alone right now.


"Wake the fuck up!" I felt someone jump on me. The curtains were pulled open and I was forced up. Kairi was still jumping on me with a big smile on his face.

"Let's go to hair and makeup!" Aileen said pulling me up. I yawned and got of bed to get ready. I was modeling today then traveling to Spain tonight right after.

Everyone else was asleep. Aileen told me breakfast would be at the place we were going to so I skipped that. I grabbed all my essentials, then we headed to the lobby.

"Are you nervous?" Aileen asked while getting in the car after me.

"A little." I yawned. "It is my first runway. I just hope I don't trip and fall on my face." I laughed.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now