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stan ariana for clear skin 🥳

Averys POV

Once we landed in Manchester, a bus was there ready to take us to our hotel. I stayed up looking at everything we passed by while everyone else shut their eyes for a while.

It wasn't a far drive and we were there quick. I kept thinking about how the end of tonight would go. Am I gonna get hurt or am I gonna be relieved?

Everyone woke up and helped get our things off the bus.

"Ready?" Vic asked me as we grabbed our suitcases and rolled them into the building. The check-in was quick and we on our way to our room on the seventh floor.

The room was big and it had an incredible view. I took a picture of it and posted it on my Ig story.

After looking around some more, I left my things where they were and went to sit on the couch in the living room with Vic and Taylor.

"Let's be detectives now." Taylor said arching her eyebrow. I playfully rolled my eyes and gave her my phone. Out of us three, I was the only one that followed Lucia so it wouldn't be sus if my name come up on her story viewers.

"Ah shit..." Vic gasped.

"She just posted on her story." Taylor pointed out.

"Watch it!" I said.

Taylor tapped on the story icon and a boomerang of her and Mattia on a couch started playing. In the top corner it said 'Almost the big game day! te amo como a un hermano🥳💗'.

He had his lazy smile on but it was always my favorite. It still made him look happy. His hair was messed up and fell over his eyes.

"What does the second part mean?" Vic asked.

"She said she loves him like a brother." I responded. The video stopped playing and it went back on her account.

I took a closer look at it because it said we had mutual followers, and it wasn't just Mattia.

"What the fuck?" I went through the mutuals list and saw she was follows my aunt and uncle but from my dads side.

"Why does she follow them?" Taylor asked.

"I have no idea..." I said. Maybe she's just the type of person who follows random people?

"Wait isn't she a fan too? Maybe she wanted to follow your family to get close to you, I don't know."

"Vic, if that was the case wouldn't she just follow my mom and Mariano?"

They shrugged their shoulders and I rolled my eyes. Why is she bothering me so much..?

"I have the whole weekend free so I think I'm gonna go to Spain on friday right after the show and meet with her."  Mattias first game is on Sunday in the afternoon anyway so I'll be there for support.

"And why do you wanna do that?" Taylor asked. "If she's getting under your skin why go face to face with her?"

"Just leave me and my curiosity alone. Thank you goodnight." I took my phone and went back to my room.

messages between avery and kairi

i decided to go to spain

oh avery 😕
if you hurt her i'm gonna be mad

i won't i promise i just wanna talk 😭

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now