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song of the chapter
before you go
by lewis capaldi

Averys POV
back in school

"Can you believe you guys graduate in two months?" It's 8am and the principal just called all seniors down to the auditorium for an assembly.

I can't even believe it. I hate growing up but it's bound to happen. All of us were sitting in a row basically occupying the whole thing.

Mattia was sitting to my left and Kairi to my right. Ever since we got back from Aruba everything went back to the way it was. We both decided not to date other people because of how weird and different it felt.

"We should go to Averys house after school." Kairi leaned over.

"Can't. Stella is coming over with some photographers for my album cover." I shrugged. I am so excited for the shoot. My album is going to be similar to Harry Styles first album but I'll be face up floating in water with purple lights all around me, flowers everywhere, and small fruits.

I was told to do it shirtless but I'm not sure how I feel about that. Like I know my boobs will most likely be covered with flowers but I don't know how my parents will feel about it.

We spent the rest of the 45 minutes planning what to  do tomorrow. I was so ready to just go home and get everything over with.

"Avery wanna leave for lunch?" I heard from behind me in the hallway. I looked around but couldn't find who was speaking.

"I'm right here." I bumped into Mattia dropping my phone against the lockers. He picked it up for me and started walking by my side.

"Yeah sure where do you want to go?" I asked. He said it was a surprise.

"See you later." He winked and blew a kiss at me. I swear I melted right then and there.

"Someone's blushing." My teacher laughed when I walked in. Everyone looked at me and I wish I wasn't there. Taylor was smirking already knowing why I was red.

"That was embarrassing." I threw myself in the seat next to her and took my books out. She sat there laughing at me while taking notes.

"Anyway, have you checked Mattias spam?" She asked. I shook my head no and waited for her to go on. She showed me a video of me in the room laying on the floor. The caption said 'they must've been talking about us..'

"Oh my god.." He posted the video of me singing honeymoon ave drunk in my room. I bet Kairi sent it to him. I saw the time and saw he posted it two minutes ago.

"Avery put that phone away or give it to me." The teacher said making me jump up and get red when everyone started looking at me yet again.

They started whispering and calling me hollywood and other stuff. It's annoying I just wanna feel like a person without fame when I'm in school, our whole group does.

"We really gotta get started on our drama project in lunch." Taylor said to me. I forgot about that project. We're supposed to come up with a five minute skit and perform it in front of the class.

"I'm leaving for lunch but you can come over or I can come to you."

"Oh, who are you going with? Mattia?" She smirked. I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"Yes." I whispered.


I took the long way around the school halls just to avoid Mattia. I felt so nervous for some reason and I wanted to throw up. I took a right to go to the broken back door.

"There you are." He ran up and hugged me from behind. Fuck. That was hot.

I turned around and looked up at him. He smiled so big it looked like his cheeks would start hurting.

"Uh yeah sorry I took the long way. Wanna leave before security comes?" I started walking to the door and he followed behind me.

"Yeah let's go to my dads restaurant. I told him we were going there for lunch and to keep a table for us."

He's so sweet for that. I can't believe he did that just for me. My heart melted just looking at him and all my nerves went away.

Mattia insisted on taking his car so I was passenger right now. The ride was very fun, we blasted his playlist and sang to every song.

It was such a beautiful day outside but it would start raining soon. The sun was shining and everyone walking outside looked so peaceful. I had my eyes closed and let the wind from outside hit me.

I felt the car come to a full stop and his door slam shut. He ran over to my side to open my door and help me out. I thanked him and we walked to the entrance of the restaurant. All the staff greeted us and one led us to our table.

"I haven't been here in a while." I looked around. The place looked different from the last time I was here with Mariano.

He started telling me that his dad remodeled the place a little for the cover of a food magazine.

"So I already ordered the food before we got here I hope that's okay with you Av?"

"Only if you got my favorite dish." I smiled.

"You already know I got it for you." He reached over and tried to hold my hand but I moved it.

"Hey!" His dad came over with our plates and spoke to us for a little.

We enjoyed our food and made small talk. Nothing has changed, it's feels like before all the drama.

"You really fucked up Devin with that video." He said out of no where. I dropped my fork and sighed.

"You're really gonna bring her up?" I gave him a straight face. He knows I don't like her and I don't like what I did to her.

"I'm sorry." He looked down.

"Yeah whatever." I pushed my plate away from me and sat back looking around. He really pissed me off bringing her up.

"Are you mad at me for talking about her?" He asked.

"It's whatever. Can we leave? I wanna go home." I got up and walked out anyway. Why was I being a bitch? I'm not that sure why but she really gets under my skin.

She tried to blackmail me, she used Mattia, and she was sleeping with Hector while we were dating. So of course the sound of her name is gonna make me mad. She clearly has no respect for other people's relationships and their feelings. She also keeps having my name in her mouth like that slap didn't knock some sense into her.

"Come on Avery what's wrong?" He caught up and stood in front of me.

"Nothing can we go?" I turned around to the car but he pulled my arm.

"Look at me." He put a finger under my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. "I still love you. My heart only goes out to you Avery. Fuck the other bitches I used to date or talk to. They were never close to you and never will be."



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