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song of the chapter
tell your friends
by the weeknd

Averys POV

I got home early since I had already left school for lunch. I was being such a bitch to Mattia but I apologized before he dropped me off.

My stepdads car was here which meant he got off work early or didn't go in at all. This was starting to weird me out.

He wasn't in the living room or kitchen so he was probably with Izzy in his room. I walked in there and saw them both sleeping together.

I ran up to my room and locked myself in the bathroom. Stella knew I was home early since I told her and she was going to be here with the crew in a few minutes to get this done. I washed up and let my hair air dry.

There was a knock on the front door and I ran down to get it. I was really excited for this shoot.

"Hey beautiful!" She hugged me and I let everyone else in.

We all went down to my second basement and put everything there. I posted pictures of the set up and teased it on my IG and snap story for my fans.

"Avery go get your makeup done." I got dragged into a makeup chair and they started doing my hair too.

Stella got a chair and sat in front of me.

"You gotta stop getting in drama. It makes you look bad but most importantly it makes me look bad. You're supposed to be my star client Avery! I can't be representing a WWE fighter." She joked.

"I won't. I'll work on it I promise."

"Damn right you are cause you have anger management meetings on Saturday nights now until you're cleared." She better be joking. I don't have anger problems.

"You're kidding right?" I laughed. Stella say sike right now.

"No I tell you time and time again to fix it but you don't. I'm sorry if you felt disrespected in that moment but you gotta bottle it up, for your careers' sake."

Whatever. I'm not letting this ruin today.

Once hair and makeup was done, we had the discussion if I should be shirtless or not.

"Okay why don't we do a couple shots with the top on and then without the top?" The photographer insisted. I got on board with it and we did it.

We've been here for hours trying to pick the final cover. It was almost midnight.

"Avery you look so hot in that one." Stella pointed to one where I was looking away from the camera and there was orange slices on my nipples. I liked that one too. My side profile really looked amazing in it.

"That. I want that as my album cover." I felt very confident about it and I hope my fans love it. I know Mattia will.

We wrapped up everything after celebrating for a little. Everyone heard stumbling and yelling coming from upstairs. It sounded like Mariano and my stepdad.

There was a glass shattering sound then my mom yelling. I heard Izzy start crying and that's when I got up and ran upstairs.

"What's going on?!" Mar had him pinned to the wall choking him out. I pushed him off and tried to get someone to tell me what the fuck was going on.

My mom was in the corner with Izzy crying and begging Mariano to stop.

"He's a fucking drunk!" Mariano yelled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Everything was fine earlier, what the hell happened?

"He got fired that's why he's always home. All this man does is drink." I can't believe this. He told me he had some days off.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now