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No ones POV

Avery stayed awake after talking to Mattia, she couldn't sleep. She left her vocal steamer on right next to her pillow

She would've been performing today but sadly had to cancel it. There was a series of tweets being posted from her account and she went on and on about how she would give back to her Switzerland fans.

"I'm devastated and it breaks my heart into a million pieces...I love all of you and thank you for understanding. But yeah..I'm sorry." She said on the verge of tears while posting it to her Ig story.

Mattias POV

I hailed a taxi and took a short ride to the train station. My phone kept buzzing and it became annoying after a few seconds. I looked down and noticed Avery was on a tweeting spree right now. I silenced my phone and put it back in my pocket.

Her notifs are on for everything so I know everything.

"One ticket to Switzerland." I said to the person behind the glass. He sighed and rolled his eyes while printing one for me. Someone hates their job.

I grabbed it and walked to the benches to wait for the train. I had ten minutes until it arrived so I decided on checking twitter.

@avcastano: towards the end of my show last night, i felt a very sharp pain in my throat. it's very swollen and it hurts to sing and talk.

many of you know by now bc of my management talking about it, i will not perform today. since i have today and tomorrow off i'll be taking really good care of myself and hope this never happens again.

I sighed and felt bad. There wasn't much I could do. I left her a couple texts but she wasn't responding, though I know she was awake I wasn't gonna get mad.

message from
why didn't you tell me you were leaving ??

i'm sorry but avery needs me.
i'll text you later

fine, i'll see you soon 😒

I shouldn't feel bad for texting Lucia. Nothing is going on between us, we're just friends. Avery doesn't like her, or so I think she doesn't.

They didn't meet the way I wanted them to meet. Lucia is a pretty cool girl who I thought would be good friends with Avery because of how much they're alike.

Flashback to Mattias first night in Spain

The whole team came to pick me up from the airport with my roommate.

"Bienvenido a España!" They all yelled and circled around me. I was very excited. Some of these players are people I've been inspired by and their uniforms are on my wall.

"As a welcome tradition, we're going to get fucking hammered." One guy said to me softly punching my chest. I didn't want to go against tradition so I went along with it.

They helped me with my luggage and packed up the car.

"To the strip club!" The driver said. Everyone else cheered and clapped.

"Mattia, these two guys are kinda new, they joined us last year. This is David and Martin."

I shook their hand and introduced myself.

"These men have changed my life." David said. He had a strong build but something about him made me feel like he was a bit insecure.

"Yeah it's truly life changing. My wife is the happiest with the jewels and crap I buy her." Martin laughed.

senior year p2 (sequel to the new girl) Where stories live. Discover now