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Rehearsal day 1

Taylor and Vic woke Avery up at 5am with so much excitement to start this journey. They were holding the camera and recording everything.

Avery was beyond tired, she only got like four hours of sleep. She didn't have time to say bye to Mattia because they had to be there ASAP.

When they got there all the background dancers were already stretched and ready to go.

Everything went smoothly. It's easy but they've only started on one song.

day 5

They're all sore but at the same time, rehearsals are very fun.

"Avery goofs around with everyone when we're on break. She's honestly the best person ever."

"She's hotter in person!"

Vic was taking little interviews with the dancers for their "documentary".

"I'd hit that. I'd hit it good." One of the male dancers smirked while watching Avery lay on the floor staring at the ceiling.

"Dude she has a boyfriend. Cut- cut the video." Another dancer playfully covered the lens.

day 17

"What's wrong with her?" The choreographer asked about Avery.

"She had a fight today with Mattia before coming here."

"I don't see you anymore and you aren't making an effort to see me!" Mattia yelled at her.

"What do you want me to do?!" She was crying.

"Try Avery! You put in zero effort for us."

She walked away and cried in her room with the door locked.

"You're such an asshole Mattia." Taylor said.

"I'm not. She's being difficul."

"You do know she tried to leave rehearsal early yesterday but the choreographer literally yelled at her? She wanted to leave early just to see you! Stop being such an asshole. You could come by during our breaks and surprise her."

He stood there not saying anything. Avery didn't tell him anything so he wouldn't have known.

"Well go get her up because we're starting a new dance today and there's gonna be chairs involved."

Day 31

One month down. One more to go.

Everyone was like a little family now. The bond they all built was like no other.

"We're halfway done with the set list and I think we've done very good so far. So I'm letting you all go early today."

Avery left before anyone else, she did not hesitate to leave. She waited in her car for Taylor and Vic.

"I'm going straight to sleep when we get home."

"I'm going on a date tonight." Avery smiled.

"Aw with who?" Vic asked. They both looked at her like she was stupid. "Oh my god I'm sleep deprived leave me alone." She laid down in the back.

Last day of rehearsal

Everything was finalized and ready to go on stage. Most shows were sold out which really shocked Avery.

"There's gonna be millions of people screaming out my name." She said in disbelief.

"I'm gonna be right there in the front." Mattia smiled at her.

"I need to ask you something." She turned to him and he nodded his head.

"What's gonna happen while I'm on tour? We obviously won't be seeing a lot of each other and I don't wanna fight again."

"I don't have any jobs lined up so I'll be with you every step of the way Avery. And if something does come up we can work through it." He held her hands until she had to get back to rehearsing.

"Today we're just gonna run through like it's the actual show. All the props are here and the costumes too so please everyone get dressed and make sure you have on the correct clothes and shoes. We're gonna practice changing under thirty seconds." The choreographer came in ordering everyone already.

Tour starts in 15 days...

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