Shi Tori x Info

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Name: Shi tori ( English meaning = death bird)

Age: 19

Eye color: Purple

Hair Color: Black with white beads

Hight: 156cm ( 5'0 ) 

Hobbies: Killing people .. 

Dislikes: People who give off bad vibes / when someone is resisting

Likes: The excitement on people faces as they die / also anything sweet.

Nen: Specialization

Immense speed and reflexes
^ Shi Tori really fast and has incredible reflexes. No one has ever been able to catch her ^

Master Swordsmen:
^ Shi Tori carries around her Jakotsutō. It's a folded in blade that is made up with 50 chains linked together. When swung the blades zig-zag back and forth unpredictably as they move forward^

Master at hypnotism: 
^ Both of her eyes turn black. Only the person who she is trying to hypnotize can see the black and white swirls. Once hypnotized, you can give them an order that'll explode ^ 

Summoning the dead:
^ Shi Tori can only summon the people she has killed and is able to summon them by having both hands on the ground ^ 

Summoning dead birds:
^ When upset, dead crows come flying around you ^

^ Shi Tori's spit could rot anything till it's all bones (but of course every quirk has its limit)  ^ 

^ Shi Tori thorns carry a special type of poison, causing those to be struck by it dead (also can somehow be able to heal her) ^


^ Shi tori has a childlike personality. She is also a little bit mentally unstable and shows signs of psychotic behavior. She only gets tick off if someone is bothering her or is harassing one of her friends. ^ 

^ She was never liked by anyone in her town. They called her weird and different because sometimes her eyes and mouth would go pitch black and appear big. That wasn't something she could control.. it just happens. Her parents kicked her out of the house because they were tired of being called "monsters" by the other town's people. Soon enough, Shi Tori was fed up and ended up killing the members in her hometown, as well as her parents. She doesn't regret killing her town's people or her family, but she now feels more alone than ever without her family around.. ^ 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now