uvogin x captured

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^"That's true." We said.^

"Shizuku do me a favor and suck all the poison and leaches out of my body." Uvogin whined.

"You're vacuum can do it right?" He asked.

Shizuk then stood up after picking up all the cards shi tori, shalnark, machi, left behind.

"Blinky can take out the poison, but nothing that's still alive." Said Shizuku.

"Really... then what do I do?" Uvogin whined.

Shalnark then jumped down from the ledge and headed twords uvogin.

"Let me see!" Said Shalnark.

Shalnark then pulled out a leach out of uvogin wound.

"Well this is a spotted leach. It takes nearly a full day so it could migrate to the blather before laying its eggs and dying."'said Shalnark.

"Yeah then what!" Said uvogin.

"Well umm... after that the eggs will hatch and enter threw you're urinary track. You will most likely die from the pain." Said shalnark.

"aw com'on don't joke around like that!" Said uvogin.

"However you need to drink beer constantly and pee as much as possible." Said shalnark.

The leach that was in shalnark hand then died when shalnark squeezed it.

"Was that all... you really had me worried. Shizuku can you get the poison!" Yelled uvogin.

"Okay!" Said Shizuku.

"Someone go into town and get lots of beer." Yelled shalnark.

"Alright... I'll go." Sighed Franklin.

"Franklin! Make sure those suckers are ice cold!" Yelled uvogin.

Franklin rolled his eyes and yelled something from behind before leaving to go into town.

"You get what I bring you!" Franklin yelled.

Shizuku then summoned her Blinky.

"Hurry and get this poison out of me-" said uvogin.

Gold chains were wrapped around uvogin body. We could hear the chains wrapping around his body but couldn't see who was using them. Uvogin was then flew into the air as the chains were still around him.

"AHHHH HELP ME!" He yelled.

The rest of the group members who were on the ledge jumped down to where Shizuku and shalnark is. The looked up in the sky to see uvogin disappear.

Machi threw one of her needles into the sky that caught onto uvogin skin.

"Did you see that! That looked soo cool!" You yelled.

You were jumping up and down yelling "me next, me next!" Machi then slapped you in the back of the head and told you to be quite. You let out a sigh as the other group members spoke.

"Was that another shadow beast" asked shalnark

"Uvogin can't move because of the tranquilizer toxins." Said Nobunaga.

We then took one of the cars that the men with the armed guns arrived in to chase after uvogin. We were on there tail when a guy who looked like a owl jumped on the car. He then pulled a cloak out of his pocket and threw it on the car. We all escaped expect Nobunaga because he was in the middle.

"That must be the owl who stole all the items from today auction!" You said.

The owl laughed as he held the car and Nobunaga in his hand.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE!" Yelled Nobunaga.

A slight breeze came in. We could tell it was the other members of the owl.

"Seems his friends come to help." Said feitan.

"Yay!" You said.

You jumped up to where feitan was and grabbed a hold of you're Jakotsutō that was hiding within you're dress.

"Who the hell are these guys? They couldn't be the phantom troupe can they?" Said one of the shadow beast.

"Oh yeah no doubt about it. But don't underestimate them." Said the owl.

"Hold on?" Said Shizuku.

"What Is something wrong?" Asked Shalnark.

"Well there ten shadow beast in all. Uvogin killed four all by himself, so this must be all of them?" Said Shizuku.

"How odd? The chain user took uvogin before escaping by car." Said feitan.

"So does that mean the chain user isn't a shadow beast?" Asked machi.

"Well we will find out, once we asked them."
Said feitan.

"So do we need to keep them alive?" Asked Shizuku.

"Not all of them. We only need the owl."
Said feitan.

"Fine then let me handle the owl." Said machi.

The other shodow beast members started to get mad.

"Those damn brats! Talking smack like it's no big deal." Said the other shadow beast member.

"Let's show them what the shadow beast is made of!" Yelled another.

"Well you herd the man!" Said shalnark.

"You stay there and watch. I take three." Said feitan.

"And I take those two!" Shi tori yelled.

The other members of the shadow beast started to charge at you and feitan. You took out you're Jakotsutō and twirled in a circle. You're blade cut the two that came after you, and feitan chopped off the other three members with just his hand. Shizuku let Nobunaga out of the bag that had the car and him inside.

There bodies dropped like flies. A pool of blood was around there dead bodies. The two that you killed blood started to form a bird shape.

"Aw that was no fun! They were to easy." You whined.

Machi strings was wrapped around the owl body.

"Why does the blood of the people that you killed look like bird wings?" Asked Shalnark.

"Because birds are my favorite animal. Plus it's scary looking..." you said.

You're eyes and mouth turned pitch black. They were large to which scared the rest of the troupe members.

"Are you okay shi tori!" Asked Nobunaga.

"What is wrong with her? Is she alright! Should we do something about this?" Thought the other troupe members.

You took a look in the car mirror to see you're eyes and mouth pitch black.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sometimes I get like this." You sighed.

"Uh okay..." said the troupe members.


We got into the car heading to where uvogin is. Machi still had her string on uvogin.

"I guess they didn't know that I have a string on uvogin." Said machi.

"Well if they were gonna notice they would need to use gyo." Said Shizuku.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now