shi tori x psychopath x captured x two

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Shi tori smile grew bright, and her both of her eyes went back to normal.

The five others left shi tori to the town folks. It was especially hard for them, because they didn't wanna leave her to them. They could possibly badly injure her, and that could somewhat lead to death.

As the five others seek to find another town to get heal up at, shi tori was still being dragged by the chain around her ankle.

"Where are you taking me." She scoffed.

The town folks didn't answer her, instead they kept quite and kept dragging her.


The town folks stopped and looked at her. Shi tori face was calm and collected.

"We're taking you to a mental institution, you psycho." Said an old man.

"Aw com'on guys... I'm not that crazy!" She whined.

The town folks didn't listen and kept dragging her their. Once they finally arrived, a nurse came and took shi tori and brought her to the basement where the other sick bastards were kept.

The nurse quickly put a straight jacket on her, then shoved her in her cell. As the nurse walked away to head upstairs, shi tori began to hum a song.

"Down by the bay *sing each verse twice*, where the watermelon rot. If you go home, just don't get caught." She hum in a creepy tone of voice.

The others mentally ill people who were also kept down in the basement started to yell and scream, asking to be put somewhere else.


Their were stone on the right side and left side of the cage, expect for the front. Front was metal bars.

As shi tori was humming that song, the five others had found a medic and was getting stitched up. Three weeks had past, and Feitan arm was finally healed up.

The five members of the phantom troupe started to head back to where they left shi tori. When they arrived the town folks were busy doing their normal work stuff.

"Were back!" Cheered Bonolenov.

The town folks stopped doing their work and looked up to see the five members of the phantom troupe.

"Where shi tori." Said Feitan.

"Oh her? We sent her to a mental institution." Said an old man.

"What! All she did was commented man slaughter, wouldn't you put her in jail?" Said Shizuku.

"She deserved more then jail." Said an old lady.

"Well do you know where we can find her?" Asked phinks.

"Tch like we tell you." Said a young kid.

Phinks walked up to the young kid and grabbed his shirt collar.

"Now you listen here, unless you wanna be beat to a pulp I suggest you tell us where you put her." Said phinks.

The kid gulped and small tears started to form in his eye.

"S-She's in a mental institution n-not to far away from here." Said the kid.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now