shi tori x mission

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"Do I actually like Feitan? Did I develop feelings for Feitan? No I can't, I don't rely on anyone else but myself." Thought shi tori.

It was night time now. Shi tori looked at the broke window she was sitting at and saw the sky dark. stars lit up the sky. The stars reminded her of a sparkly dress that she had wore before.

Feitan, phinks, and shalanrk acted like they were asleep when they were really watching shi tori. Shi tori stood up and jumped out of the broke window.

Feitan, phinks, shalnark rushed after her. They remembered that they had to be real quite or shi tori would realize that she being followed.

"Where is she going?" Asked phinks in a whispering voice.

"I think she is heading to that really tall building." Said shalanrk.

The trio followed her to one of the tallest buildings in York new city. There was three barrels on the roof that the trio hide in. Shi tori didn't sense the three following them.

She sat at the edge of the roof and looked up at the sky. Her eyes were wide open to see the beautiful stars. She then stood up and faced the city, and let herself fall from the tallest building. Right when she jumped the moon was full and you could see a shadow figure from the moon, falling from above.

"Did she just jump?!" Thought the trio.

The trio jumped out of the barrels and went to the edge of the roof to see shi tori falling. She didn't seem to have a care in the world. Her eyes were closed and her arms and legs were spread out.

Down below camera man and reporters from below came rushing.

"Looks like some reported that someone was jumping off the building." Said phinks.

"What's shall we do?" Said Feitan.

Shalanrk tried to stay calm at the situation.

"Is she trying to kill herself? Why did she jump? Did she knew we were here so she jumped for show?" Thought shalanrk.

Some fire fighters came aswell, and laid down landing pads. Shi tori flipped her body around to see the news reporters, fire fighters, from below.

"The world is so pretty when falling from above." Thought shi tori.

Charters and car screeches came from below. Lights and yelling also came from below.
The trio rushed down from the tallest building as well, to join the others.

"What is she doing?!" Said phinks.

Right when she was mid half down shi tori grabbed a hold of a flag pole that was planted outside the building walls. Peoples yelled and said "jump" for her to land on the jump pad.

Shi tori ignored them and sat on the flag pole. She listened to the chatter and screeching from below. It was smoothing to her.

But soon enough she was bored of it and jumped off the pole. She didn't land on the landing pad. She landed on another building that was in her reach. Then she ran off jumping off to building to building.

The trio followed behind. They watched as she jumped and jumped to building to building. Her beautiful black hair swayed with the wind. She looked like a crow flying across the moonlight sky.

Finally they arrived to a building that they were familiar at. It was the phantom troupe hide out. The sun started to come up and the sky was orange and pink. Feitan, phinks, shalanrk, made sure they arrived first before she could sneak back in through the broken window.

As they watch shi tori sneak back in, chrollo was awake. His candles were lit by him as he read one of his books.

"We're you off causing trouble?" Asked chrollo.

Shi tori walked over to chrollo and sat in his lap as his book was still in his hand.

"Maybe..." she said with a smile.

Chrollo put a hand on shi tori head and began to pat it, like if she was some dog.

The trio was shock to see the boss up, and that the boss could be so caring towards others. Phinks looked at feitan and he looked annoyed.

"What's wrong fei?" Asked phinks.

Feitan buried his face into his bandanna and watched shi tori and chrollo from above.

"Why am I jealous? I don't care for shi tori. well I do find her pretty cute, and I do love that her black hair is so shiny... but that doesn't mean I like her!" Thought Feitan.

Chrollo began to pat shi tori till she fell asleep. She felled asleep in chrollo lap, and chrollo began to read his book, paying no mind to shi tori.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now