love x is x war

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She gave the others compliments and they all aborted the limo in the front yard. On the way to the troupe party shi tori looked out the window to see the palm trees swaying.

The sunset was hitting right on the Horizon, which made shi tori heart melt.

"So who's birthday is it?" She asked.

"It's another gang leader birthday." Said hisoka.

Hisoka had is arms wrapped around machi, and machi kept trying to get away from hisoka.

"Aw do you not want my love?" Asked hisoka.

"I definitely don't want it." Said machi, as she tried to push hisoka off of her.

Shi tori let out a sigh, because this was a often event. Hisoka and machi always end fighting. The troupe all knew that machi loved hisoka, she just doesn't like to admit it.

The phantom troupe arrived to the mansion of the troupe party. Men and woman were all dressed up. As they walked in, men in black suits offered to take there purse and belongings.

When they got to the party room Feitan took you're hand and decided to hold it. You looked down and you're face was a light pink.

"Uh what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm holding you're hands." Said feitan.

In the conner of you're eye you were amazed on how good looking feitan looked in a suit. Her mouth was opened as she gazed at feitan, and little bit of drool started to come down.

Feitan looked over to see shi tori admiring him. Then he saw the drool from shi tori mouth. Feitan took a hanker shift out of his pocket and wiped the drool from shi tori mouth.

"You're a silly girl." Said feitan.

Her face lit up with a dark red and she quickly let go of Feitan hand, and hid herself among the crowd.

"Why did I run? I wanted to stay by feitan side..." thought shi tori.

When shi tori was trying fo hide herself among the crowd she on accident bumped into a younger men. He was taller then Feitan and you. You looked up to see how beautiful the man was. He had a dark brown hair and wore a black suite.

"Sorry about that I should've had looked on where I was going." Said shi tori.

"No no it's alright."
Said the young man.

"If you don't mind me asking what's you're name?" Asked shi tori.

"My name is kei, what about you young lady?" Asked kei.

You're eyes sparkled as the chandelier grew brighter.

"My name is shi tori."
She said.

"That's a pretty name! What troupe are you from?" Asked kei.

"I'm from the phantom troupe."
Said shi tori.

"Ahh the phantom troupe! That's one of the top ten best troupes."
Said kei.

You let out a sigh and said somethings that aren't so great about being a troupe member of the phantom troupe.

"Haha that's must be tough, well I'm from the Chi no ken troupe." Said kei.

"Oh you're from the bloody sword troupe! There suppose to be one of the top ten best troupes out there!" Said shi tori.

Shi tori and kei talked during the whole event. When it got to whoever birthday it was, kei wanted to take her out to the garden.

Kei took a hold of shi tori hand as he took her to the garden.

"I herd you like admiring nature and beauty, so I wanted to show you this." Said kei.

As he took her to one of the most beautiful spots of the garden he let go of her hand. Shi tori let out a squeal as she saw the beautiful flowers. It was mid night but she was still
Able to see the flowers.

"This is beautiful! Thank you." Said shi tori.

"No problem!" Said kei.

Kei picked up shi tori and carried her in princes style. There was a near by stone seat that kei and shi tori could sit out.

Once they got to the seat kei placed shi tori down.

"You didn't have to pick me up you know."
Said shi tori.

"I know but I could tell that those heels were hurting you, and I didn't want you to walk any more then you half to."
Said kei.

"This dude is such a gentleman! He's not like the phantom troupe guys! All gross and zero romantic type!" Thought shi tori.

You looked up into the sky to see a full moon.

"The moon is out kei!" Said shi tori.

Kei looked up and saw the beautiful moon. In the conner of his eye he saw shi tori. Her beautiful black hair was shining from the moonlight, and her gorgeous purple eyes shined as well.

Kei laugher and shi tori looked at him in confusion.

"What's so funny." Said shi tori.

"You. You're funny shi tori." Said kei.

She let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Said kei.

Kei put his hand on top of shi tori hand. Shi tori face lit up with a light pink.

"O-oh no y-you didn't, y-you're totally f-" said shi tori.

All of sudden Feitan showed up and he took shi tori by the hand and stood in-front of her.

"Let's go." Said Feitan, as he directed shi tori to the entrance of the building.

Feitan looked back to see kei giving him a dirty look. Kei then got up and left threw a secret entrance from the garden.

Feitan brought her back to the rest of the troupe and they all aborted the limo to go home.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now