vaction x is x all x you x ever x wanted

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Chrollo began to pat shi tori till she fell asleep. She felled asleep in chrollo lap, and chrollo began to read his book, paying no mind to shi tori.

The morning dew came up again and it was beautiful outside. The sky was light blue with a very few clouds. Shi tori woke up to find herself  looking up at chrollo.

"How'd I get here?! Why is everyone up and looking at the boss? Is it because I'm in his lap, that's why there all looking?" Thought shi tori.

She brushed her hair out of her face to notice that she was up a little from the ground. She could feel warmth underneath her legs and shoulders.

"Today I've decided that we all take a little trip to Hawaii for vacation." Said chrollo.

The troupe members all clapped from chrollo response. Then it went back to silent. The troupe members did what they felt like doing, and the boss began to read. He placed you down by a near by rock that was right near his sitting place.

She said to chrollo.

He didn't pay you no mind and began on reading.

"When are we leaving?" She asked.

"Now." Said chrollo.

She had a stunned look on her face but quickly got herself together. She grabbed what little things she had for the trip.

"Are we all ready?" Asked shalnark.

Everyone agreed and started to head towards the air port.

"Now where exactly are we going to in Hawaii?" She asked.

"Boss owns a place in Hawaii, it's a villa and we're all gonna stay there." Said Nobunaga.

"Damn I didn't know he was rich? I mean the places we've been staying at, wasn't all rich..." thought shi tori.

The phantom troupe aborted a private plane that took them to Hawaii. The views from the airplane was amazing. Shi tori looked out the window to see how small York new city was.

"Wow the people look like ants from down there!" Said shi tori.

"Haha that's because we're going higher up."
Said shizuku.

A few hours later then plane arrived to Hawaii. The phantom troupe aborted off the plane and started to head to the villa. A private limo waited at the doors of the airport.

"Omg, how much is this guy gonna surprise me with?" Thought shi tori.

When the limo dropped the phantom troupe at the villa shi tori let out a gasp. The villa was large and was beautiful. The front yard was mowed correctly, and the hedges were shaped into spiders. Pit bulls and Rottweiler stood outside the front gates of the villa.

"This is amazing!" Said shi tori.

A man in a black suite unlocked the gate and let the phantom troupe through. The dogs were quite and calm because they knew chrollo, and knew that the phantom troupe was friends of chrollo.

When they got inside the villa was even more beautiful. The floor was marbled and clear. A huge Chandelier hung in the middle of the room. Few men and woman directed some of the phantom troupe members to there rooms, to put down there belongings.

When a man directed you to your room, it was a pretty pink with a huge balcony. The man left the room and shi tori was alone in her room. She walked up to the balcony and saw that she will be facing the ocean. She couldn't wait to see the sunset today. It would perfectly set on the Horizon.

A woman knocked on the door, and told shi tori that she would need to be getting dressed up.

"Hello, master chrollo wanted me to tell everyone that you will be needing to dress up nice for today. You are all invited to a troupe party." Said the lady.

She shook her head yes and the lady went away. She went to the dresser to find a beautiful purple dress wait for you. It was semi cut short. It was half way down to you're knees and showed a little bit of you're upper chest.

She didn't bother to put in the purple flower because you're little face mask beads will do just fine. She went to pick out shoes and decked to wear some purple high heels. They weren't glittery like the dress but it was good enough.

She head downstairs to see the others dressed up. She gave the others compliments and they all aborted the limo in the front yard.

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