metor x city

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The blood stoped and so did the gast of wind. Her eyes and mouth went back to normal. Dried blood was still on her eyes and mouth. A dead crow flew inside the abandon building and landed on Shi tori shoulder. Her beautiful purple eyes shined as the moonlight shined on her.

Her black hair was shining and the white skull beads in her eyes was glistening.

"The boss can't use nen so I'm here to look for a nen user who can get rid of the men that the chain user used on him." Said hisoka.

"Oh okay." Shi tori said.

She took a deep breath and relaxed a little. She wiped the blood that was on her eyes and mouth. Another dead crown landed on her shoulder aswell. Soon tons of dead crowd began to flock all around her.

Shi tori bend down and she pet each one of them.

"Okay, tell the boss we're heading to mentor city."
Said shi tori.

"Alright will do, bye shi tori."
Said hisoka.

"Bye bye." Said shi tori.

Shi tori handed up and laid down on the floor.

"Should we talk to her or to near her right now?" Thought the troupe.

"Are you okay?" Asked Shizuku.

You sat up and looked at Shizuku. You're purple eyes shined. The blood lust in you're body was high.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry I'm fine. I'm just go out in town and kill some people, I be back." Said shi tori.

Feitan quickly vanished and reappeared in front of the entrance door.

"You can't leave, its not safe." Said Feitan.

You got up as the dead birds stay right by you're side. You brushed off the dust off you're dress and fixed you're headband.

"Fei let her go." Said phinks.

Feitan looked at phinks with anger.

"If you're going to go kill people, then I'll go with you!" Said shalnark.

"I wanna go to!" Said Shizuku.

All of a sudden the whole troupe members wanted to kill people.

"I guess we're all going." Said shalnark.

As the strolled into town the members slashed and killed each persons who stood in there way. They then meet up at the hideout. Shi tori was the last one to arrived. Her dead crows brought back the heads of each person she killed. Shi tori also held one guy head. The terror in his face was horrendous.

"That's soo cool! You have you're dead birds carry the heads of the dead people you killed!" Said shalnark.

"It was kinda boring, none put up a fight. The birds just quickly ate there eyes out." Said shi tori.

The birds flew to a ledge in the abandon building and ate the heads. Shi tori threw one of the heads as a huge big dead crow zoomed in and ate it.

"That bird is so huge! It's the size of a pterodactyl." Thought the troupe members.

The birds chirped and made tons of noise.
You the clapped you're hands and the dead crow birds slowly started to disappear.

"Now we gotta start heading towards meter city, and wait for the boss there." Said Phinks.

"Then let's go." Said Kortopi.

As the troupe headed for meter city, gon, killua, Kurapika, and leorio, all had a meeting in a fancy hotel.

"Did you hear that one of there troupe members are dead. Her name is Pakunoda." Said leorio.

"Oh she was the sweet nice one who brought us to the exchange meeting." Said gon.

"Yeah how she died?" Asked killua.

"She probably died from the nen dagger. She said something that she wasn't suppose to and it broke through." Said Kurapika.

"Oh that stinks."
Said leorio.

"They lost two members so far. Uvogin and Pakunoda." Said Kurapika.

The troupe members had finally reached meteor city.

"We're here." Said Feitan.

You sat down on the sand as the others stand and looked at meteor city from afar.

"It's so pretty!" You yelled.

"What's so pretty about it? It looks like a junk yard."
Said phinks.

You rolled you're eyes and jumped up in the air.

"You definitely don't know the definition of
pretty phinks."
Said shi tori.

The troupe members walked into meter city. People wore gas masks and poor people were all over the streets.

"Looks like nothing has changed." Said Bonolenov.

We stoped at a fast food place in meter city, before we head back to our hideout in meter city.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now