coming x home

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The sun beaming on her causing her to sweat a little. Shi tori was loosing a lot of blood, and slowly started to loose conscious.

When she gain a little bit of conscious shi tori could feel someone warmth from underneath her. She opened her eyes a little and could see her body from off the ground. She was in someone hands, but who?

She looked up and saw feitan carrying her.

"F-feitan?" Asked shi tori.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"You has a day to come back or else we would have to go find you. You didn't come back so we had to go find you." Said feitan.

"Oh..." you said.

"What happened to you? When we saw you, you were covered in blood?" Said Shalnark.

"I-I don't remember. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday." Said shi tori.

She asked Feitan to put her down, and he did what she asked. She dusted some sand off her dress and took a little rag from the pocket of her dress, to wipe away the blood on her mouth.

"Much better." She said.

She was a little wobbly but was mange to keep her balance. The group walked beside her just Incase she tipped over and fell.

The stoped by a near by cafe, before they headed home.

"So shi tori, did you see you're village?"
Asked franklin.

"I-I'm not completely sure if I did or not?" Said shi tori.

"Well we found you outside of you're town, so you must of had seen the village." Said machi.

Shi tori sept her cup of tea as she thought.

"What did happened to me? They found me outside of my own village covered in blood?" Thought shi tori.

As she thought she slowly started to remember what happened. She slammed the cup on the table. The tiny tea cup broke into a million of pieces. Shi tori was full of anger. Her purple eyes shined so bright that it could blind someone.

"That bastard!" Yelled shi tori

"Did you remember what happened?" Asked Shizuku.

"I remember now! I let that old geezer beat the crap out of me, because I felt bad about killing innocent people." Said shi tori

"You've been doing that for a long time now, why do you all of sudden care?" Asked Bonolenov.

"That I don't remember. But the teasing and name calling was annoying me." Said shi tori.

She sat back down again and asked the waiter to get her a new cup of tea because he tea cup broke.

"So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill him?" Asked Nobunaga.

"Heck yeah! He almost killed me, and I let him get away with that!" Said shi tori.

The gang quickly finished the cups of tea and headed back to shi tori town.

The town was silent and the building still stood there.

"Here's the old man place."
Said shi tori.

She spit on a flower pot that the old man had out. It slowly started to rot away.

"What a shame, this building looks like a shack." Said phinks.

"I agree." Said Franklin.

Shi tori went up to the door and knocked three times. The old man who beaten her up pretty badly opened the door.

"What do you want? I thought I gave you a pretty good beating!" Said the man.

"Oh sir you did! I definitely learned from my mistakes and will NEVER do it again." Said shi tori.

She had a smile on her face and her hands behind her back. She looked like a innocent little girl in the man eyes. But really she was a snake. She was gonna kill the old man.

The gang knew what she was up to. It was scary to watch shi tori look. She acts all innocent and then when she ready she pounces on her prey.

"You brought you're buddies too huh?" Said the old man.

"Sure did! I wanted to show them on how I destroyed this city with my own hands."
Said shi tori.

The man was frustrated and slapped shi tori in the face. A red hand print was on her face and her head was turned to the side.

"Why you-" said phinks.

The gang was gonna attack the old man but shi tori put her hand up. It was a signal for them not to attack the old man, and leave it up to her.

"I said get out of here! You're not wanted." Said the man.

Shi tori still had a smile on her face but her eyes and mouth was pitch black and was huge.

"Wh-what the heck! What are you! You're a demon! A monster! Shoe shoe!" Said the man.

He started to close the door but shi tori grabbed a hold of the door handle and broke the hedges off the door.

"Now that wasn't very polite. Didn't you're mother taught you not to hit a lady?" Said shi tori.

She took out her Jakotsutō and slashed the old man body in half. Blood splattered on the building and on shi tori.

"Aw what a pitty. You didn't even put up a fight." Said shi tori.

She let out a sigh and faced the others.

"Let's go home, ive gotten my revenge on the old man."
Said shi tori.

The troupe members head back to the hide out to where hisoka and chrollo await.

"Welcome back my dear." Said chrollo.

He gently put his hand underneath shi tori chin and lifted it up. They were face to face.

"It took you so long I started to get worried."
Said chrollo.

"Well you sure don't look worry." Said shi tori.

She slapped chrollo hand away and laid on a rock. The sun shined on her purple eyes and her black hair.

"Soo pretty!" Said Nobunaga, Feitan, phinks.

Shi tori threw a rock at the three who were gazing at her from below.

"Why you!" Said shi tori.

She chases the three boys around the hideout as they made smart remarks from behind.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞 ↷ Feitan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now