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𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕!∘◦ ✾ ◦∘_______ ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘

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𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕!

A COUPLE DAYS HAD GONE BY SINCE THE ACID FOG, and thankfully now, jasper was back on his feet, but still paranoid of what was outside of the camp's walls, may didn't blame him though. the first day on earth you get speared in the chest then kidnapped by grounders? she would be react the same.

days hadn't gotten better for her though, today she woke up with intense pain in her joints, symptoms of her sickle cell anemia. she tried to hydrate herself, hoping it would help her fatigue, but it hardly did anything. in all honesty, may was scared, she had no type of treatment to help her down here, meaning one day closer to her death.

may tried to shake off the thought though, as she was in her and krystal's tent, organizing it since it was a mess from her tent mate. she was in a crouching position, and that made her muscles burn from her anemia, it's like she couldn't do anything today, hardly even walk without getting tired.

murphy was there though, checking in on her every now and then, and even though may needed cheering up today from her physical pain she didn't bother him, he was too busy help working on the wall.

the sound of the tent flap opening drew her attention, snapping her out of her overwhelming thoughts. she turned the upper half of her body around, seeing krystal with a worried expression, "clarke's accusing murphy of murdering wells."

at that statement, may quickly jumped up from her position despite the pain, "what?!" may thought that the grounders killed wells just like everyone else, but one of the hundred, murphy specifically? she didn't believe that for a second.

together her and krystal ran out of their tent, the gathered crowd and their shouting grabbing her eyes instantly. with the blonde right behind her, she irritably pushed past the crowd, not caring if it came off as rude. "float him—float him!" the crowd started to chanted as soon as may entered the circle, she didn't even get to comprehend what was really going on around her when murphy tried to book it, but was tripped to the ground, and into the mud.

"no!" may screamed in horror, she tried to reach murphy but the crowd had swallowed her instantly for their desire to join in on jumping murphy. may tried to move forwards once again, but a delinquent moving backward in front of her fast had her falling to the ground.

she screamed in pain, it felt as if her whole body was on fire, but she got up quickly when the delinquents all moved down the hill shouting, which gave her enough room to stand. may ran down the hill as fast as her pained legs took her, trying to move around the crowd but failed miserably.

with ringing in her ears she saw murphy gagged start to go up on a rope, she screamed. may lurched forwards and pushed a kid to the ground, stepping over him to get to murphy. "may stop!" krystal desperately begged her with a worried tone, wrapping her arms around may's bony waist, holding her back.

"no please let me go!" she cried as the crowd began to chant bellamy's name, this whole situation was moving fast, she didn't know what to think or feel, all she knew was that she wanted john murphy cut down. "you'll get hurt!" krystal shot back as may tried to desperately scramble her way out of the blonde's hold, yet failed miserably.

krystal hated holding may back, but now knowing about her condition, she didn't want the girl to get hurt from the crowd, she had to make sure she would be okay, because by now, they were friends, and friends protect each other.

may's blood curdling sobs and the crowd's loud cheering completely overcame her hearing as she watched bellamy kick the bucket under murphy's feet, leaving him to drop and hang. seeing him there, gagged, his hands bound behind his back, choking to death, she couldn't help but scream at the traumatic sight.

"no just stop okay? murphy didn't kill wells!"
the shout of a young voice saying that made the crowd's cheering die down, and all of the delinquents' eyes were on her, including may. it was charlotte, the youngest of the delinquents that may knew of. "i did!"

as soon as her confession was made, the crowd was left frozen in shock, only clarke acted instantly. she nabbed bellamy's axe out of his belt loop and cut down the rope, letting murphy drop to the ground. krystal let go of the sobbing girl when the crowd stopped moving, letting her drop next to the boy.

may had practically fell next to murphy with finn at her side, taking his gag out of his mouth. he was okay, and he was alive. which relieved the crying doctor.

that same night, may fernsby cried so hard a blood vessel bursted in her eye. she didn't get to say goodbye to the boy she had a connection with, who will probably be dead by tomorrow. she couldn't do anything, she could hardly walk her muscles hurt so bad. she's never gonna see him again, and that hurt her heart bad.

(gif is of may trying to get to murphy)

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