𝟏𝟖 | acid fog

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note: murphy will be included on this episode's mission, because we could all need a little more murphy, right?

note: murphy will be included on this episode's mission, because we could all need a little more murphy, right?

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𝒉𝒆 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒌𝒆𝒑𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈.

IT HAD BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE THE VILLAGE'S MASSACRE, and may still can't seem to get the scarring images out of her head after replaying it over and over again so many times. the blood, the sounds of the sobbing, mourning people. it all shook her to the core, and it was a day may knew she was never gonna forget in her lifetime.

she barely did so, but may managed to save the little girl finn had shot, so instead of nineteen lives taken, it was eighteen. and she felt proud of herself she managed to save one, but wished she could've saved another life.

as soon as they returned to camp jaha, may got a long lecture from her mother about escaping, but that was it. and since that day, she'd been taking care of the wounded, and squeezing in time to have conversations and check in on her friends.

and that's what may was doing now, going to check in on her friends. she knew the inquisition would be over for finn and murphy by now, and at least some of the others would be outside.

she exited camp jaha's halls, being greeted with the night sky, with cold wind softly blowing her ombré hair back. she took in a deep breath of the fresh air, before releasing it soon after.

"hey you."

at the sound of the familiar voice it quickly pulled may out of her circulating thoughts. she slowly spun around on her heel, meeting eyes with murphy. his arms were crossed, as he leaned against the main walls of camp jaha.

"hey." she smiled, and walked up to him, "how'd the inquisition go?"

"we're cleared." murphy stated with a casual tone as he sat down on the trimmed down grass, his back leaning against the wall.

may's eyes widened in slight surprise, "that's amazing!"

murphy gave her a curt nod before gulping thickly, looking down at his knees pressed up against his chest. may was quick to pick up on his strange behavior, and took a seat on the ground right next to him, "what's wrong?"

he let a stressed sigh, before averting his gaze to the girl next to him, "he just kept shooting."

may instantly caught on about what he was talking about, and let a frown spread upon her soft face.

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