𝟐𝟕 | three months later

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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆

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𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆. 𝒊 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒕𝒐𝒐.

THREE MONTHS, EIGHTY EIGHT DAYS SINCE MOUNT WEATHER WAS TRAGICALLY DEFEATED BY THE SKY PEOPLE. three months since clarke had disappeared into the woods, and three months since murphy left, and never came back. those three months, had flown by like minutes for may fernsby. it was as if she had blinked, and suddenly time had gone by like a flash.

of course she never fully recovered from the day she heard raven's piercing screams, watching as the guards succumbed to an awful death from blisters, or the fact that a drill went into her thigh, torturing her for for her bone marrow. but she acted like it, she had to. may tried her hardest to push it past her, but every time she heard machinery whirring that's sounded like a drill, she couldn't help but grimace at the awful sound that brought her back to that night.

but she had her friends that stuck by her, especially bellamy and krystal, who were always there for anything she needed. and may so desperately wanted to open her heart out to them, but she just couldn't, the last person she opened up to, or saw her at her worst, up and left her. and was nowhere to be seen.

every single day since mount weather john murphy was a constant thought in may's brain, and she could never seem to get him out of her head. so, she distracted herself, and began working full time in the sick bay with her mother, abby, and jackson. and if she had a day off, she would go out in the rover with bellamy and the others for a mapping run, just to distract her traumatizing memories that haunted her every, single, day.

she was never in mount weather until the day it was defeated, and didn't know the people that helped them out, but she felt for them, especially after bellamy had briefly explained to them who they were, who maya was. jasper broke into a depression after the deaths of all the people, and krystal tried her hardest to be there for him, but he constantly pushed her away. with ended their relationship, but never crossing their feelings out for each other.

both of the girls were broken for awhile, but helped each other back up, and were closer than they ever were. yet even being there for each other, none of them were fully repaired from the events that broke them, that broke, may fernsby.

she had to bring herself back up somehow, and that's why she fully committed herself into training with abby and her mother to become a surgeon. and after three hardworking months, she officially became a certified surgeon, and she couldn't be more proud of herself.

the ombré haired girl walked down the halls of arkadia, with quickness in her step. she wanted to get to the others before they left for the mapping run, she had something to hand her blonde friend, krystal.

she entered the hangar bay, where she knew everyone would be loading up at. as she continued to walk, she noticed all the other arkadian's around her doing their day to day business, and she ignored them. may spotted her familiar friend with the bouncing curls loading a rifle into the back of the rover, and smiled at the sight of him, "hey you!" she exclaimed, grabbing his attention.

bellamy whipped his head around, his eyes making contact with may's. he chuckled, and stood up straight from his hunched over position, "you comin' this time, fernsby?"

she snorted at his question, and rested her hand on her satchel that was strapped across her small body, "yeah right, blake." she retorted with a clear joking tone, "every wednesday, full time shift at the sick bay, you know that. i went last time, i'll go next time."

he had completely forgot about the girl's full shift every wednesday, and wished she would come on that day's mission. but he pushed past it, and decided not the protest. bellamy nodded, "you better."

may nodded in response, her attention quickly taken from bellamy when she noticed the familiar blonde coming out from behind the rover. her long, blonde wavy hair fell down past her shoulders, and she wore a guards uniform, with her automatic rifle strap hanging over her bony shoulder.

"krys!" may called to the blonde, walking over to her quickly. when krystal's eyes laid on may, she smiled big, deciding to wait on saying anything until the girl stood in front of her.

as soon as may's feet landed right in front of krystal's, she stopped in her tracks, and pulled out the blonde's black beanie she had left back in the small room they shared. every time krystal had gone on a mapping run with the others, she wore the beanie, and when may saw she had left it back in the room they shared she knew she had to hurry and give it to her, knowing how important it was. just weeks ago the blonde expressed to may how the beanie gave her a sense of protection, and security, and may wanted to make sure her friend had it with her always.

krystal's eyes lit up at the sight of her beanie in may's hand, "yay!" she cheered, eagerly snatching the beanie out of her hand, which earned a chuckle from may before she continued to speak, "you remembered!" the blonde exclaimed, referring to when she expressed how much the beanie meant to her.

"of course i did." may nonchalantly replied, shifting on her feet as a smile tugged at her soft lips. her eyes flickered between bellamy and krystal, who stood next to one another, "stay safe out there. i can't loose you guys too."

before any of the two had time to reply, raven rolled out from under the rover, her tools in hand as she beat the two at a response, a smirk creeping up on her face, "we will, doc."

may sent raven a quick nod before turning on her heel, and making her way to the sickbay. she was already late for her shift, and if she didn't arrive in the next minute she'd get reprimanded by her mother once again.

once she entered the sickbay, she saw various arkadians sitting in chairs, laying on beds waiting to be examined or discharged. and her mother was flashing a small light into a patients eyes, checking their pupils in a crouched position.

may stopped in her tracks as soon as she entered, and started to wait there until her mother noticed her presence. when seeing a familiar figure in her peripheral vision, jenna peeled her gaze from her current patient and looked to may, and scoffed when she saw it was her.

jenna stood up from her crouching position, clicking her flashlight off before making her way to one of the counters the supplies she needed laid upon. "you're late." she stated with a firm tone, "again."

may couldn't resist the urge to smile as she strolled farther into the room, "sorry mom." she apologized, not truly meaning it considering she knew her reason was good, "i made it though."

jenna snorted at her daughter's words, "yeah well get your ass over here. we, you, got work to do." she instructed her seventeen year old. she wanted to lecture her daughter about being late for the fourth time this month, but decided against it. may was her daughter after all.

may nodded, deciding not to prod with her frustrated mother. she made her way to the cubbies, where all the medical workers' stuff rested, and took the satchel off of her body, before placing it in the small box. this was her daily routine, her life now that she declared as normal, finally. but in all honesty, that was the last normal day for may fernsby.

in this fanfiction i decided not to include jasper being depressed over maya, but instead of all the innocent people that died in mount weather for the sake of krystal and his relationship:)

(gif is of may strolling into the hangar bay)

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