Blood of my blood

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Ender couldn't hide her stress. Nazli noticed this immediately.
N: Do you know him anne?
Ender was looking for an answer when she noticed Kaya was approaching them. This made her even more stressed. Nazli looked at the direction her mom was looking and saw Kaya walking towards them.
She got happy. Her mom was reacting differently. She was nervous over a guy for the first time. And that meant she probably had feelings for this prince charming.
When Kaya reached them he was smiling and the first thing Nazli noticed was his deep dimples. Just like hers.
Kaya reached his hand to Ender. Ender stood and shook his hand.
K: Good evening Ender. What a beautiful accident.
E: Good evening Kaya.
So this prince charming's name was Kaya.
Kaya looked at Nazli: Aren't you going to introduce us Ender?
Ender was sweating at the back of her neck. She was panicking. But didn't show it.
She smiled and looked at Nazli: This is Nazli, my daughter.
Kaya felt his whole world wrecked into pieces.
K: Daughter?!
E: Yes. Don't we look alike?
Kaya couldn't deny the resemblance.
He looked at Nazli. She was smiling. And those dimples...
Kaya felt dizzy for a second but managed to control himself.
He smiled back at her: Yes, you are just the same.
Nazli reached out her hand: Nice to meet you Kaya bey.
Kaya shook her hand and as soon as holding her hand he felt a chill at the back of his spine: It's nice to meet you, too little Ender!
Nazli liked that word and smiled even bigger. She loved it when people said she looks just like her mom.
They were all standing when Kaya finally said: It was really nice seeing you! I won't bother you anymore. Good night!
Ender couldn't hide her happiness when Kaya said that.
She smiled and said: Good night!
N: Good night Kaya bey.
When Kaya left Ender was smiling cause she was happy nothing bad happened.
But Nazli thought she was happy cause she saw Kaya. So she put on her evil smile again and said: Ohhh anne, I didn't know there are people other than me and Caner dayi that you find interesting!
Ender didn't get her and looked confused: What do you mean kızım?
Nazli raised her brows and smiled wider: So now your mind is so confused that you don't know what I mean Ender Celebi? Who was that handsome guy that you got really nervous over?
Ender didn't like that Nazli was liking him. She frowned: Nazli!!
N: What! You obviously liked him!
E: Enough Nazli! I don't want to talk about this subject!
Nazli got surprised to see her mother this angry over such a stupid subject. So she said: Okay anne, sorry.
Ender felt bad for overreacting. She put her hand on Nazli's and said: Sorry annecim. I overreacted. He's just an old friend. That's all.
Nazli smiled and said: Okay canim annem. I just want to see you happy.
E: I know aşkım benim. I know.Okay now let's order I'm really hungry!

EnKay: A love story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now